Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
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Faculty Engineering - Department Mechanical Design and Production Engineeering
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [2020]
MSc In NULL, [2023]
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
Academic Jobs
معيد : 26/4/2021
Doctor Assisant : 23/1/2024
1 -
Optimization of PID trajectory tracking controller for a 3-DOF robotic manipulator using enhanced Artificial Bee Colony algorithm (2023).
2 -
Optimized sliding mode controller for trajectory tracking of flexible joints three-link manipulator with noise in input and output (2023).
3 -
Enhancing robustness and noise rejection in flexible joint manipulators: an optimized sliding mode controller with enhanced gray wolf optimization for trajectory tracking (2023).
4 -
Modeling of PID controlled 3DOF robotic manipulator using Lyapunov function for enhancing trajectory tracking and robustness exploiting Golden Jackal algorithm (2023).
Research Area
Classic Control
Flexible Joint Manipulator
MATLAB Simscape Modeling
Metaheuristic Algorithms
Rigid Link Manipulator
Robust Control
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