Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
Staff Data Search
Personal Website
Amal Farouk Abdelgawad Badaawi
Faculty Computers and Informatics - Department Decision Support
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [1993]
MSc In NULL, [1996]
PhD In NULL, [2002]
(لا يوجد)
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
Academic Jobs
Doctor Assisant : 22/7/1998
Doctor : 24/9/2002
Professor Assisant : 26/2/2008
Professor : 25/8/2015
1 -
Various Metaheuristic-Based Algorithms for Optimal Relay Coordination: Review and Prospective (2021).
2 -
Capacitor Allocation Using Multiobjective Water Cycle Algorithm and Fuzzy Logic (2022).
3 -
Transmission Line Protection Using High-Speed Decision Tree and Artificial Neural Network: A Hardware Co-simulation Approach (2022).
4 -
Effect of non standard characteristics of overcurrent relay on protection coordination and maximizing overcurrent protection level in distribution network (2022).
5 -
Multi-characteristic overcurrent relay of feeder protection for minimum tripping times and self-protection (2022).
6 -
Simulating the electric field distribution in medium-voltage cables of cross-linked polyethylene/Cu nanocomposites irradiated by E-beam with reference to the XLPE market (2021).
7 -
E 2 xperimental investigation of E‑beam effect on the electric field distribution in cross‑ linked polyethylene/ZnO nanocomposites for medium‑voltage cables simulated by COMSOL Multiphysics (2022).
8 -
Impact of γ‑irradiation and SBR content in the compatibility of aminated (PVC/LLDPE)/ZnO for improving their AC conductivity and oil removal (2022).
9 -
Application of Smart Cities Planning Using Big Data Analytics (2024).
10 -
Applications of big data analytics in Supply chain management (2024).
11 -
Gamma irradiation induced surface modification of (PVC/HDPE)/ZnO nanocomposite for enhancing the oil removal and conductivity using COMSOL multiphysics (2023).
Research Area
decision making
neural network
Operations Research
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