Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
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Curriculum Vitae
Faculty Engineering - Department Electrical Power and Machines Engineering
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [2016]
MSc In NULL, [2019]
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
Academic Jobs
معيد : 25/9/2016
Doctor Assisant : 29/9/2019
1 -
Renewable power integration: Experimental and simulation study to investigate the ability of integrating wave, solar and wind energies (2019).
2 -
ANN for Assessment of Energy Consumption of 4 kW PV Modules over a Year Considering the Impacts of Temperature and Irradiance (2019).
3 -
Operating reserve investigation for the integration of wave, solar and wind energies (2020).
4 -
Uncertainty and global sensitivity analysis of levelized cost of energy in wind power generation (2021).
5 -
Integration of fuel cells into an off-grid hybrid system using wave and solar energy (2021).
6 -
FPGA control system technology for integrating the PV/wave/FC hybrid system using ANN optimized by MFO techniques (2022).
7 -
Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Smart Home Management System Considering Energy Saving (2022).
8 -
Dynamic centralized control and intelligent load management system of a remote residential building with V2H technology (2022).
9 -
PV solar power forecasting based on hybrid MFFNN-ALO (2022).
10 -
Design and implementation of a Real-time energy management system for an isolated Microgrid: Experimental validation (2022).
11 -
Design and implementation of a Real-time energy management system for an isolated Microgrid: Experimental validation (2022).
12 -
Dynamic centralized control and intelligent load management system of a remote residential building with V2H technology (2022).
13 -
Smart centralized energy management system for autonomous microgrid using FPGA (2022).
14 -
Smart centralized energy management system for autonomous microgrid using FPGA (2022).
15 -
Dynamic centralized control and intelligent load management system of a remote residential building with V2H technology (2022).
16 -
Design and implementation of a Real-time energy management system for an isolated Microgrid: Experimental validation (2022).
17 -
Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Smart Home Management System Considering Energy Saving (2022).
18 -
Artificial intelligence applications for microgrids integration and management of hybrid renewable energy sources (2023).
19 -
Rotor equivalent wind speed prediction based on mechanism analysis and residual correction using Lidar measurements (2023).
20 -
Renewable power integration: Experimental and simulation study to investigate the ability of integrating wave, solar and wind energies (2019).
21 -
Experimental Investigation of AI-enhanced FPGA-based Optimal Management and Control of an Isolated Microgrid (2023).
Research Area
Energy management
Green Hydrogen
Home Energy management
Renewable Energy
Smart Grid
Solar Energy
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