Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
Staff Data Search
Personal Website
Doaa El-Shahat Barakat Mohammed
Faculty Computers and Informatics - Department Computer Science
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [2012]
MSc In NULL, [2018]
PhD In NULL, [2023]
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
Academic Jobs
معيد : 2/12/2013
Doctor Assisant : 4/9/2018
Doctor : 28/2/2023
1 -
Solving 0–1 knapsack problem by binary flower pollination algorithm (2018).
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A modified flower pollination algorithm for the multidimensional knapsack problem: human-centric decision making (2017).
3 -
A Novel Whale Optimization Algorithm for Cryptanalysis in Merkle-Hellman Cryptosystem (2018).
4 -
Integrating the whale algorithm with Tabu search for quadratic assignment problem: A new approach for locating hospital departments (2018).
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A hybrid whale optimization algorithm based on local search strategy for the permutation flow shop scheduling problem (2018).
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A modified nature inspired meta-heuristic whale optimization algorithm for solving 0–1 knapsack problem (2017).
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A modified hybrid whale optimization algorithm for the scheduling problem in multimedia data objects (2019).
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A new fusion of grey wolf optimizer algorithm with a two-phase mutation for feature selection (2019).
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A binary multi-verse optimizer for 0-1 multidimensional knapsack problems with application in interactive multimedia systems (2019).
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Energy-Aware Metaheuristic algorithm for Industrial Internet of Things task scheduling problems in fog computing applications (2020).
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Energy-aware whale optimization algorithm for real-time task scheduling in multiprocessor systems (2020).
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A new fusion of grey wolf optimizer algorithm with a two-phase mutation for feature selection (2020).
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A hybrid Harris Hawks optimization algorithm with simulated annealing for feature selection (2022).
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Parameter estimation of photovoltaic models using an improved marine predators algorithm (2021).
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Energy-Aware Metaheuristic algorithm for Industrial Internet of Things task scheduling problems in fog computing applications (2020).
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Parameter extraction of photovoltaic models using a memory-based improved gorilla troops optimizer (2022).
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An efficient hybrid optimization method for Fuzzy Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Problem: Steady-state performance and analysis (2023).
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Exponential distribution optimizer (EDO): A novel math-inspired algorithm for global optimization... (2023).
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Young’s double-slit experiment optimizer: A novel metaheuristic optimization algorithm... (2023).
Research Area
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