Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
Staff Data Search
Personal Website
Asmaa Mohamed Khalid Mohamed Abbas
Faculty Computers and Informatics - Department Information Technology
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [2011]
PhD In NULL, [2023]
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
Academic Jobs
معيد : 14/11/2012
Doctor Assisant : 2/1/2018
Doctor : 29/8/2023
1 -
Efficient compression of volumetric medical images using Legendre moments and differential evolution (2020).
2 -
Multilevel segmentation of 2D and volumetric medical images using hybrid Coronavirus Optimization Algorithm (2022).
3 -
BCOVIDOA: A Novel Binary Coronavirus Disease Optimization Algorithm for Feature Selection (2022).
4 -
COVIDOA: a novel evolutionary optimization algorithm based on coronavirus disease replication lifecycle (2022).
5 -
A new binary object-oriented programming optimization algorithm for solving high-dimensional feature selection problem (2023).
6 -
Human Activity Recognition Using Hybrid Coronavirus Disease Optimization Algorithm for Internet of Medical Things (2023).
7 -
Compression of Bio-Signals Using Block-Based Haar Wavelet Transform and COVIDOA (2023).
8 -
Multilevel thresholding satellite image segmentation using chaotic coronavirus optimization algorithm with hybrid fitness function (2023).
9 -
MOCOVIDOA: a novel multi-objective coronavirus disease optimization algorithm for solving multi-objective optimization problems (2023).
Research Area
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