Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
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Personal Website
AbdulHamid Ashraf Atiyah AbdalMuttalib
Faculty Engineering - Department Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineer
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [2010]
MSc In NULL, [2014]
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
Academic Jobs
معيد : 8/12/2010
Doctor Assisant : 3/8/2014
Doctor : 29/10/2019
1 -
Multilevel Hierarchical Clustering protocol for wireless sensor networks (2013).
2 -
Towards Intelligent Zone-Based Content Pre-Caching Approach in VANET for Congestion Control (2022).
3 -
Computer Vision-Based Approach for Automatic Detection of Dairy Cow Breed (2022).
4 -
Novel Hybrid Fusion-Based Technique for Securing Medical Images (2022).
5 -
Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Assisted Systems (2022).
6 -
An efficient deep learning approach for colon cancer detection (2022).
7 -
Empowering the Internet of Things Using Light Communication and Distributed Edge Computing (2022).
8 -
IoT-Based Reusable Medical Suit for Daily Life Use in the Era of COVID-19 (2021).
9 -
Seamless handover scheme for MEC/SDN-based vehicular networks (2022).
10 -
Distributed edge computing with blockchain technology to enable ultra-reliable low-latency V2X communications (2022).
11 -
Drone-based AI/IoT Framework for Monitoring, Tracking and Fighting Pandemics (2022).
12 -
Lightweight Deep Learning-Based Model for Traffic Prediction in Fog-Enabled Dense Deployed IoT Networks (2022).
13 -
Digital Object Architecture for IoT Networks. (2022).
Research Area
5G networks
Internet of Things
Next generation networks
Signal processing
Tactile Internet
Wireless communications
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