Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
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Personal Website
Nazira Mohamed Mansour Mosa
Faculty Engineering - Department Mathematical and Physics Engineering
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [2010]
MSc In NULL, [2014]
PhD In NULL, [2019]
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
Academic Jobs
معيد : 6/12/2010
Doctor Assisant : 24/6/2014
Doctor : 24/7/2019
Professor Assisant : 27/8/2024
استاذ مساعد لقب علمى : 27/8/2024
1 -
Exponential higher-order compact scheme for 3D steady convection–diffusion problem (2014).
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Numerical analysis of nonlinear free and forced vibrations of buckled curved beams resting on nonlinear elastic foundations (2018).
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Numerical analysis of nonlinear free and forced vibrations of buckled curved beams resting on nonlinear elastic foundations (2018).
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Periodic and nonperiodic modes of postbuckling and nonlinear vibration of beams attached to nonlinear foundations (2019).
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Energy equivalent model in analysis of postbuckling of imperfect carbon nanotubes resting on nonlinear elastic foundation (2019).
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Energy equivalent model in analysis of postbuckling of imperfect carbon nanotubes resting on nonlinear elastic foundation (2019).
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Nonlinear buckling and free vibration of curved CNTs by doublet mechanics (2020).
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Buckling and post-buckling behaviors of higher order carbon nanotubes using energy-equivalent model (2020).
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Nonlinear stability and vibration of imperfect CNTs by Doublet mechanics (2020).
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Nonlinear Static Stability of Imperfect Bio-Inspired Helicoidal Composite Beams (2022).
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Exact Solution of Nonlinear Behaviors of Imperfect Bioinspired Helicoidal Composite Beams Resting on Elastic Foundations (2022).
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Bending, buckling and linear vibration of bio-inspired composite plates (2022).
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Snap-through instability of helicoidal composite imperfect beams surrounded by nonlinear elastic foundation (2022).
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Static and stress analyses of bi-directional FG porous plate using unified higher order kinematics theories (2022).
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Multi-objective optimization of snap-through instability of helicoidal composite imperfect beams using Bernstein polynomials method (2023).
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Nonlinear stability of bio-inspired composite beams with higher order shear theory (2023).
18 -
Nonlinear stability of bio-inspired composite beams with higher order shear theory (2023).
Research Area
applied mathematics
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