Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
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Alaa Rasheed Helmy Rashid Saqr
Faculty Science - Department Chemistry department
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [2001]
MSc In NULL, [2006]
PhD In NULL, [2012]
(Prepare and study the properties Alfotoukaziqih Florbsite new compounds with absorption and emission Optical)
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
Academic Jobs
معيد : 26/11/2001
Doctor Assisant : 27/11/2006
Doctor : 30/10/2012
1 -
Design and chemical behavior of novel pyrimidine derivatives and their evaluation of cytotoxicity (2020).
2 -
Design, photochemistry and antibacterial evaluation of novel light-harvesting antenna (2020).
3 -
Design and synthesis of novel fluorescence sensing perylene diimides based on photoinduced electron transfer (2011).
4 -
Design and chemical behavior of novel pyrimidine derivatives and their evaluation of cytotoxicity (2020).
5 -
Design, photochemistry and antibacterial evaluation of novel light-harvesting antenna (2020).
6 -
Design and synthesis of novel fluorescence sensing perylene diimides based on photoinduced electron transfer (2011).
7 -
Design and Synthesis of a Novel ICT Bichromophoric pH Sensing System Based on 1,8-Naphthalimide Fluorophores as a Two-Input Logic Gate and Its Antibacterial Evaluation (2024).
Research Area
chemical technology
organic chemistry
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