Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
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Sami Hassan Ahmed Hassn
Faculty Science - Department Mathematics Department
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [1983]
MSc In NULL, [1995]
PhD In NULL, [2004]
(Aazenj model for some problems in the magnetic quantum theory)
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
Academic Jobs
معيد : 4/10/1983
Doctor Assisant : 7/12/1995
Doctor : 26/10/2004
Professor Emeritus : 20/12/2020
1 -
S. Hassan and G. Ismail Metastability of Ising spin chains with nearest- neighbour and next-nearest- neighbour .interaction in radom field (2002).
2 -
S. Hassan and G. Ismail Dynamics Properties of Ising spin chains with nearest- neighbour and next-nearest- neighbour interaction in radom field, Phys. Stat. Sol. (B) 241, No.15 (2004): 3607 - 3623 (2004).
Research Area
Applied Mathematics
Theoretical Physics
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