Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
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Rasha Mohamed AbuBakr AbedRabbo
Faculty Science - Department Mathematics Department
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [1997]
MSc In NULL, [2003]
PhD In NULL, [2011]
(Dynamic systems using computer modeling using programmed Avatar)
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
Academic Jobs
معيد : 19/3/1998
Doctor Assisant : 27/9/2003
Doctor : 28/6/2011
Professor Assisant : 30/8/2022
استاذ مساعد لقب علمى : 30/8/2022
1 -
Optimization of hybrid natural laminated composite beams for a minimum weight and cost design (2020).
2 -
Optimal weight for buckling of FG beam under variable axial load using Pareto optimality (2021).
3 -
Static stability of higher order functionally graded beam under variable axial load (2020).
4 -
Influence of axial load function and optimization on static stability of sandwich functionally graded beams with porous core (2020).
5 -
Multi-objective shape optimization for axially functionally graded microbeams (2021).
6 -
Weight optimization of axially functionally graded microbeams under buckling and vibration behaviors (2020).
7 -
A semi-analytical study on the nonlinear pull-in instability of FGM nanoactuators (2020).
8 -
Multi-objective optimization for lightweight design of bi-directional functionally graded beams for maximum frequency and buckling load (2021).
9 -
Meta-heuristic algorithms for solving nonlinear differential equations based on multivariate Bernstein polynomials (2021).
10 -
Pull‑in and freestanding instability of actuated functionally graded nanobeams including surface and stiffening effects (2020).
11 -
Static Buckling of 2D FG Porous Plates Resting on Elastic Foundation based on Unified Shear Theories (2023).
12 -
Multi-objective optimization of snap-through instability of helicoidal composite imperfect beams using Bernstein polynomials method (2023).
13 -
Sustainable methane energy from bagasse treated via bokashi technology: comparative between neural network and mathematical modeling (2023).
Research Area
Artificial intelligence
Big data
Combinatorial Optimization Problems
Deep learning
Machine Learning
Meta-heuristic Algorithms
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