Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
Staff Data Search
Personal Website
Khaled AbdelNasser Ibrahim Riad
Faculty Science - Department Mathematics Department
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [2007]
MSc In NULL, [2011]
(Studies to identify patterns of eye health as a means of matching biometric)
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم باجازة خاصة
Academic Jobs
معيد : 3/11/2007
Doctor Assisant : 2/3/2011
Doctor : 30/9/2017
Professor Assisant : 28/3/2023
استاذ مساعد لقب علمى : 28/3/2023
1 -
AR-ABAC: A New Attribute Based Access Control Model Supporting Attribute-Rules for Cloud Computing (2015).
2 -
EAR-ABAC: An Extended AR-ABAC Access Control Model for SDN-Integrated Cloud Computing (2015).
3 -
ABAC and SDN Role in Securing the Cloud Environment: ABAC and SDN Role in Securing Cloud IaaS (2016).
4 -
Multi-Authority Trust Access Control for Cloud Storage (2016).
5 -
Revocation Basis and Proofs Access Control for Cloud Storage Multi-Authority Systems (2016).
6 -
Blacklisting and Forgiving Coarse-grained Access Control for Cloud Computing (2016).
7 -
Multi-Factor Synthesis Decision-Making for Trust-Based Access Control on Cloud (2017).
8 -
A New Instant Confirmation Mechanism Based on Interactive Incontestable Signature in Consortium Blockchain (2017).
9 -
BC-PDS: Protecting Privacy and Self-Sovereignty through BlockChains for OpenPDS (2017).
10 -
Robust breast cancer prediction system based on rough set theory at National Cancer Institute of Egypt (2018).
11 -
Robust breast cancer prediction system based on rough set theory at National Cancer Institute of Egypt (2018).
Research Area
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