Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
Staff Data Search
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Ahmed AbdElFattah Ahmed Salim
Faculty Science - Department Mathematics Department
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [2001]
MSc In NULL, [2006]
PhD In NULL, [2010]
(The development of algorithms to choose the main sensor in the main sensor networks)
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
Academic Jobs
معيد : 17/12/2002
Doctor Assisant : 30/1/2007
Doctor : 26/10/2010
استاذ مساعد لقب علمى : 24/7/2019
1 -
IBLEACH: intrabalanced LEACH protocol for wireless sensor networks (2014).
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Distributed multi chain compressive sensing based routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks (2014).
3 -
Efficient Compressive Sensing based Technique for Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks (2013).
4 -
Sparse Signals Reconstruction Via Adaptive Iterative Greedy Algorithm (2014).
5 -
Clustering Algorithm Based on the Direction of Overlapping Field of Views for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (2016).
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CSOCA: Chicken swarm optimization based clustering algorithm for wireless sensor networks (2020).
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A Secure Data Gathering Scheme Based on Properties of Primes and Compressive Sensing for IoT-Based WSNs (2020).
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SEEDGT: Secure and energy efficient data gathering technique for IoT applications based WSNs (2022).
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Iterative selection and correction based adaptive greedy algorithm for compressive sensing reconstruction (2022).
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TACTIRSO: trust aware clustering technique based on improved rat swarm optimizer for WSN-enabled intelligent transportation system (2022).
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IoVSSA: Efficient Mobility-Aware Clustering Algorithm in Internet of Vehicles Using Sparrow Search Algorithm (2023).
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An Approach for Data Routing in Wireless Body Area Network (2023).
13 -
SOMACA: A New Swarm Optimization-Based and Mobility-Aware Clustering Approach for the Internet of Vehicles (2023).
Research Area
Artificial Intelligent
Cyber security
Internet of Things
Internet of Vehicles
Meta-heuristic Technique
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