/ Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق

Hossam Mohamed Sayed Mouhammid

Faculty Medicine - Department Liver Gastrointestinal and Infectious Diseases

Scientific degrees

BSc In , [2000]
MSc In NULL, [2005]
(Mild system predicted the fate of patients in cirrhosis of the liver accompanied by a virus (c) suffering from vomiting bloody for the first time.)
PhD In NULL, [2012]
(Evaluate the use of a drug Alkarfidolol to prevent the occurrence of the first variceal bleeding in patients with liver cirrhosis)

الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :

معيد : 3/3/2005
Doctor Assisant : 24/7/2005
Doctor : 26/6/2012
Professor Assisant : 27/8/2017
Professor : 27/9/2022