Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
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Mahmoud Mohamed Ibrahiem Ibrahiem Elagawany
Faculty Agriculture - Department Poultry dept
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [2003]
MSc In NULL, [2008]
PhD In NULL, [2012]
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
Academic Jobs
معيد : 5/11/2003
Doctor Assisant : 28/6/2008
Doctor : 25/12/2012
Professor Assisant : 28/1/2018
Professor : 31/1/2023
1 -
The effectiveness of dietary sunflower meal and exogenous enzyme on growth, digestive enzymes, carcass traits, and blood chemistry of broilers (2017).
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Lycopene: a natural antioxidant for prevention of heat-induced oxidative stress in poultry (2017).
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Health benefits and potential applications of anthocyanins in poultry feed industry (2018).
4 -
Feeding time can alleviate negative effects of heat stress on performance, meat quality and health status of turkey (2017).
5 -
Use of some nutritional supplements in drinking water of growing turkeys during 1st month of age and their effect on performance, meat quality, blood profile and antioxidant status. (2018).
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The usefulness of oregano and its derivatives in poultry nutrition (2018).
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The usefulness of oregano and its derivatives in poultry nutrition (2018).
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Nutritional significance and health benefits of designer eggs (2018).
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Erythrocytes as a biological model for screening of xenobiotics toxicity (2018).
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Cypermethrin induced toxicities in fish and adverse health outcomes: Its prevention and control measure adaptation (2018).
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Physiological alterations of poultry to the high environmental temperature (2018).
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An overview of Jatropha curcas meal-induced productive and reproductive toxicity in Japanese quail: Potential mechanisms and heat detoxification (2018).
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Medicinal and Therapeutic Potential of Herbs and Plant Metabolites / Extracts Countering Viral Pathogens - Current Knowledge and Future Prospects (2018).
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Clarifying of the potential mechanism of Sinisan formula for treatment of chronic hepatitis by systems pharmacology method (2018).
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The efficacy of using exogenous enzymes cocktail on production, egg quality, egg nutrients and blood metabolites of laying hens fed distiller’s dried grains with solubles (2018).
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Jatropha (Jatropha curcas) meal is an alternative protein source in poultry nutrition (2018).
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The uses of microbial phytase as a feed additive in poultry nutrition – a review (2018).
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Phytochemistry and beneficial impacts of cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) as a dietary supplement in poultry diets (2018).
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The potentially beneficial effects of supplementation with hesperidin in poultry diets (2018).
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Organic or inorganic zinc in poultry nutrition: a review (2018).
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Beneficial impacts of bee pollen in animal production, reproduction and health (2018).
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Responses of growing rabbits to supplementing diet with a mixture of black and red pepper oils as a natural growth promoter (2018).
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Effect of feed form and dietary protein level on growth performance and carcass characteristics of growing geese (2019).
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Age and sex-related differences in performance, carcass traits, hemato–biochemical parameters, and meat quality in Japanese quails (2019).
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Health promoting and pharmaceutical potential of ferulic acid for the poultry industry (2019).
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Growth Performance of Broilers as Influenced by Dierent Levels and Sources of Methionine Plus Cysteine (2019).
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Effect of Varying Levels of Chromium Propionate on Growth Performance and Blood Biochemistry of Broilers (2019).
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The potential modulatory role of herbal additives against Cd toxicity in human, animal, and poultry: a review (2019).
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Effects of Liquid Yucca Supplementation on Nitrogen Excretion, Intestinal Bacteria, Biochemical and Performance Parameters in Broilers (2019).
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Heat stress management in poultry farms: A comprehensive overview (2019).
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Impact of restricting feed and probiotic supplementation on growth performance, mortality and carcass traits of meat‐type quails (2019).
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Use of Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Herb as a Feed Additive in Poultry: Current Knowledge and Prospects (2019).
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Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids in Poultry Nutrition: Effect on Production Performance and Health (2019).
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Heracleum persicum: chemical composition, biological activities and potential uses in poultry nutrition (2019).
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The role of Astragalus membranaceus as immunomodulator in poultry (2019).
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Astragalus polysaccharides alleviate tilmicosin-induced toxicity in rats by inhibiting oxidative damage and modulating the expressions of HSP70, NFkB and Nrf2/HO-1 pathway (2019).
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Use of liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) in poultry nutrition: Global impacts on performance, carcass and meat quality (2019).
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Nutritional Strategies to Produce Organic and Healthy Poultry Products (2018).
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Influence of in ovo administration of some water-soluble vitamins on hatchability traits, growth, carcass traits and blood chemistry of Japanese quails (2019).
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Effect of low‐ or high‐CP diet with cold‐pressed oil supplementation on growth, immunity and antioxidant indices of growing quail (2019).
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Impact of Rosmarinus officinalis cold-pressed oil on health, growth performance, intestinal bacterial populations, and immunocompetence of Japanese quail (2019).
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Microalgae in modern cancer therapy: Current knowledge (2018).
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Paulownia Leaves as A New Feed Resource: Chemical Composition and Effects on Growth, Carcasses, Digestibility, Blood Biochemistry, and Intestinal Bacterial Populations of Growing Rabbits (2019).
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Influences of stocking density and dietary probiotic supplementation on growing Japanese quail performance (2019).
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Ameliorating deleterious effects of heat stress on growing Muscovy ducklings using feed withdrawal and cold water (2019).
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Ameliorating deleterious effects of heat stress on growing Muscovy ducklings using feed withdrawal and cold water (2019).
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Growth Performance of Broilers as Influenced by Different Levels and Sources of Methionine Plus Cysteine (2019).
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Growth Performance of Broilers as Influenced by Different Levels and Sources of Methionine Plus Cysteine (2019).
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Managerial and Nutritional Trends to Mitigate Heat Stress Risks in Poultry Farms (2019).
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The potential modulatory role of herbal additives against Cd toxicity in human, animal and poultry: a review (2019).
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Fertility and Hatchability in Duck Eggs: A Comprehensive Review (2019).
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In Ovo Delivery of Various Biological Supplements, Vaccines and Drugs in Poultry – Current Knowledge (2019).
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Impact of restricting feed and probiotic supplementation on growth performance, mortality and carcass traits of meat-type quails (2019).
54 -
Effect of Dietary Protein and Tsaa Levels on Performance, Carcass Traits, Meat Composition and Some Blood Components of Egyptian Geese During the Rearing Period (2020).
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Phytogenic Products and Phytochemicals as a Candidate Strategy to Improve Tolerance to Coronavirus (2020).
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The role of oregano herb and its derivatives as immunomodulators in fish (2020).
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Nutritional significance of amino acids, vitamins and minerals as nutraceuticals in poultry production and health – a comprehensive review (2020).
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Effect of Sodium Butyrate on Intestinal Health of Poultry – A Review (2020).
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The Toxicological Aspects of the Heat-Borne Toxicant 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural in Animals: A Review (2020).
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The Applications of Origanum Vulgare and Its Derivatives in Human, Ruminant and Fish Nutrition – A Review (2020).
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Effect of Housing System and Rosemary and Cinnamon Essential Oils on Layers Performance, Egg Quality, Haematological Traits, Blood Chemistry, Immunity, and Antioxidant (2020).
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Hepatic acute-phase response, antioxidant biomarkers and DNA fragmentation of two rabbit breeds subjected to acute heat stress (2020).
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L-theanine: an astounding sui generis amino acid in poultry nutrition (2020).
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Nutraceutical role of selenium nanoparticles in poultry nutrition: a review (2020).
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Nutritional applications and beneficial health applications of green tea and l ‐theanine in some animal species: A review (2020).
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Role of acidifiers in livestock nutrition and health: A review (2020).
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Health benefits of carotenoids and potential application in poultry industry: A review (2020).
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The influence of raffinose on the growth performance, oxidative status, and immunity in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) (2020).
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Effects of the dietary inclusion of a probiotic or prebiotic on florfenicol pharmacokinetic profile in broiler chicken (2020).
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Does the gradual increase in dietary zinc oxide supplementation can affect egg quality, serum indices, and productive performance of laying hens? (2020).
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Effect of Dietary Supplementation with Moringa oleifera Leaves and/or Seeds Powder on Production, Egg Characteristics, Hatchability and Blood Chemistry of Laying Japanese Quails (2020).
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Consequences of varying dietary calcium and phosphorus levels on lipid profile, antioxidant and immunity parameters of growing Egyptian geese (2020).
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Probiotics in poultry feed: A comprehensive review (2020).
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Dietary effect of probiotics and prebiotics on broiler performance, carcass, and immunity. (2020).
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Consequences of various housing systems and dietary supplementation of thymol, carvacrol, and euganol on performance, egg quality, blood chemistry, and antioxidant parameters. (2020).
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Impact of green tea (Camellia sinensis) and epigallocatechin gallate on poultry. (2020).
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Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) Oil as a Potential Alternative to Antibiotics in Poultry. (2020).
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Ginger and Its Derivatives as Promising Alternatives to Antibiotics in Poultry Feed. (2020).
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Useful impacts of royal jelly on reproductive sides, fertility rate and sperm traits of animals (2020).
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Use of rice protein concentrates in Oreochromis niloticus diets and its effect on growth, intestinal morphology, biochemical indices and ghrelin gene expression (2021).
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Nutritional significance of amino acids, vitamins and minerals as nutraceuticals in poultry production and health – a comprehensive review (2021).
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Astragalus membranaceus polysaccharides modulate growth, hemato-biochemical indices, hepatic antioxidants, and expression of HSP70 and apoptosis-related genes in Oreochromis niloticus exposed to sub-lethal thallium toxicity (2021).
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The Role of Zinc Microelement in Aquaculture: a Review (2021).
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Early life thermal stress modulates hepatic expression of thermotolerance related genes and physiological responses in two rabbit breeds (2021).
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Antiparasitic and Antibacterial Functionality of Essential Oils: An Alternative Approach for Sustainable Aquaculture (2021).
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Selenium Nanoparticles as a Natural Antioxidant and Metabolic Regulator in Aquaculture: A Review (2021).
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Dietary Fiber and Lysolecithin Supplementation in Growing Ducks: Effect on Performance, Immune Response, Intestinal Morphology and Lipid Metabolism‐Regulating Genes (2021).
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Yucca schidigera Usage for Healthy Aquatic Animals: Potential Roles for Sustainability (2021).
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Thiacloprid Induced Developmental Neurotoxicity via ROS-Oxidative Injury and Inflammation in Chicken Embryo: The Possible Attenuating Role of Chicoric and Rosmarinic Acids (2021).
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Effect of Yeast-Fermented Citrus Pulp as a Protein Source on Nutrient Intake, Digestibility, Nitrogen Balance and In Situ Digestion Kinetics in Nili Ravi Buffalo Bulls (2021).
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Astaxanthin Mitigates Thiacloprid-Induced Liver Injury and Immunotoxicity in Male Rats (2021).
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Immune response and susceptibility of Nile tilapia fish to Aeromonas hydrophila infection following the exposure to Bifenthrin and/or supplementation with Petroselinum crispum essential oil (2021).
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Evaluation of Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 11181 and Clostridium butyricum probiotic supplements in post-weaning rabbits reared under thermal stress conditions (2021).
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Neurobehavioral, physiological and inflammatory impairments in response to bifenthrin intoxication in Oreochromis niloticus fish: Role of dietary supplementation with Petroselinum crispum essential oil (2021).
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Supplementation of different zinc sources to low-CP diets and its effect on performance, carcass traits, liver and kidney functions, immunological, and antioxidant parameters of quail chicks (2021).
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Single cell protein: Sources, mechanism of production, nutritional value and its uses in aquaculture nutrition (2021).
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A review on the beneficial effect of thymol on health and production of fish (2021).
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Potential role of important nutraceuticals in poultry performance and health - A comprehensive review (2021).
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Olive Oil: Nutritional Applications, Beneficial Health Aspects and its Prospective Application in Poultry Production (2021).
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Thermal stress and high stocking densities in poultry farms: Potential effects and mitigation strategies (2021).
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Managing Gut Microbiota through In Ovo Nutrition Influences Early-Life Programming in Broiler Chickens (2021).
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Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) and its phytochemicals in ruminant feed: an updated review (2021).
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The Strategy of Boosting the Immune System Under the COVID-19 Pandemic (2021).
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A Comprehensive Review on Chemical Profile and Pharmacological Activities of Ocimum basilicum (2021).
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Reproductive traits, behavioral and hormonal changes during breeding season in Egyptian Geese under natural photoperiod (2021).
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Nutritional Aspects and Health Benefits of Bioactive Plant Compounds against Infectious Diseases: A Review (2021).
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The functionality of probiotics in aquaculture: An overview (2021).
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Using essential oils to overcome bacterial biofilm formation and their antimicrobial resistance (2021).
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Dietary effect of licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) on quail performance, carcass, blood metabolites and intestinal microbiota (2021).
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Use of lemongrass essential oil as a feed additive in quail's nutrition: its effect on growth, carcass, blood biochemistry, antioxidant and immunological indices, digestive enzymes and intestinal microbiota (2021).
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The potential mechanistic insights and future implications for the effect of prebiotics on poultry performance, gut microbiome, and intestinal morphology (2021).
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Use of biological nano zinc as a feed additive in quail nutrition: biosynthesis, antimicrobial activity and its effect on growth, feed utilisation, blood metabolites and intestinal microbiota (2021).
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Paenibacillus polymyxa (LM31) as a new feed additive: Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity and its effects on growth, blood biochemistry, and intestinal bacterial populations of growing Japanese quail (2021).
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Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine for the Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19: A Fiction, Hope or Hype? An Updated Review (2021).
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A comprehensive review on the health benefits and nutritional significance of fucoidan polysaccharide derived from brown seaweeds in human, animals and aquatic organisms (2021).
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Nutritional applications of species of Spirulina and Chlorella in farmed fish: A review (2021).
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Recent Development in Bioactive Peptides from Plant and Animal Products and Their Impact on the Human Health (2021).
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Natural Antimicrobial Molecules from Opuntia spp. and Their Role in Poultry Nutrition (2021).
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Use of fumaric acid as a feed additive in quail’s nutrition: its effect on growth rate, carcass, nutrient digestibility, digestive enzymes, blood metabolites, and intestinal microbiota (2021).
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Dietary citric acid enhances growth performance, nutrient digestibility, intestinal microbiota, antioxidant status, and immunity of Japanese quails (2021).
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Use of Chemical Nano-Selenium as an Antibacterial and Antifungal Agent in Quail Diets and Its Effect on Growth, Carcasses, Antioxidant, Immunity and Caecal Microbes (2021).
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Date (Phoenix dactylifera L.) by-Products: Chemical Composition, Nutritive Value and Applications in Poultry Nutrition, an Updating Review (2021).
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Natural Feed Additives Used in the Poultry Industry (2021).
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The role of forskolin as a lipolytic stimulator during in vitro oocyte maturation and the in vitro embryo production of livestock (2021).
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Propolis: Properties and composition, health benefits and applications in fish nutrition (2021).
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Nanominerals: Fabrication Methods, Benefits and Hazards, and Their Applications in Ruminants with Special Reference to Selenium and Zinc Nanoparticles. (2021).
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Curcumin and its different forms: A review on fish nutrition (2021).
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Nutritional significance and health benefits of omega-3, -6 and -9 fatty acids in animals (2021).
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Effect of dietary calcium and phosphorus levels on growth, carcass characteristics and liver and kidney functions of growing Egyptian geese (2021).
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Hepatic expression responses of DNA methyltransferases, heat shock proteins, antioxidant enzymes, and NADPH 4 to early life thermal conditioning in broiler chickens (2021).
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Reproductive traits, behavioral and hormonal changes during breeding season in Egyptian Geese under natural photoperiod (2021).
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Ameliorating deleterious effects of high stocking density on Oreochromis niloticus using natural and biological feed additives (2020).
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The stress of abamectin toxicity reduced water quality, growth performance, immunity and antioxidant capacity of Oreochromis niloticus fish: Modulatory role of Simmondsia chinensis extract as a dietary supplement (2020).
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Beneficial Impacts of Essential Oils on Poultry Health and Production (2021).
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Elucidating the ameliorative effects of the cyanobacterium Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) and several microalgal species against the negative impacts of contaminants in freshwater fish: A review (2022).
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Health benefits and potential applications of fucoidan (FCD) extracted from brown seaweeds in aquaculture: An updated review (2022).
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Exploring the Roles of Dietary Herbal Essential Oils in Aquaculture: A Review (2022).
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Impact of chitosan on productive and physiological performance and gut health of poultry (2022).
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Effect of Azomite on growth performance, immune function and tibia breaking strength of broiler chickens during starter period (2022).
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Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad (Bitter Apple Fruit): Promising Traditional Uses, Pharmacological Effects, Aspects, and Potential Applications (2022).
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The use of some herbal plants as effective alternatives to antibiotic growth enhancers in poultry nutrition (2022).
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Nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics in poultry nutrition: An updated review (2022).
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Applications of recombinant proteins in aquaculture (2022).
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The role of early feeding in improving performance and health of poultry: herbs and their derivatives (2022).
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The use of cold pressed oils as eco-friendly alternatives for antibiotics in high and low-CP diets of laying Japanese quail (2022).
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Use of yeast and its derived products in laying hens: an updated review (2022).
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Antioxidant effects of seaweeds and their active compounds on animal health and production – a review (2022).
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The mitigating role of probiotics against the adverse effects of suboptimal temperature in farmed fish: A review (2022).
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Effect of parsley essential oil on digestive enzymes, intestinal morphometry, blood chemistry and stress-related genes in liver of Nile tilapia fish exposed to Bifenthrin (2022).
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The Neonicotinoid Thiacloprid Interferes with the Development, Brain Antioxidants, and Neurochemistry of Chicken Embryos and Alters the Hatchling Behavior: Modulatory Potential of Phytochemicals (2022).
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Dietary Supplementation of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) With Panax ginseng Essential Oil: Positive Impact on Animal Health and Productive Performance, and Mitigating Effects on Atrazine- Induced Toxicity (2022).
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Immunosuppressive Effects of Thallium Toxicity in Nile Tilapia Fingerlings: Elucidating the Rescue Role of Astragalus membranaceus Polysaccharides (2022).
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Ochratoxicosis in poultry: occurrence, environmental factors, pathological alterations and amelioration strategies (2022).
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Phytochemical characteristics of Paulownia trees wastes and its use as unconventional feedstuff in animal feed (2022).
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Behavioral, physiological, and inflammatory responses of Oreochromis niloticus fish exposed to thallium and/or supplementation with Astragalus membranaceus polysaccharides (2022).
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The effect of metal-containing nanoparticles on the health, performance and production of livestock animals and poultry (2022).
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Consequences of varying dietary crude protein and metabolizable energy levels on growth performance, carcass characteristics and biochemical parameters of growing geese (2022).
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Rice protein concentrate as a fish meal substitute in Oreochromis niloticus: Effects on immune response, intestinal cytokines, Aeromonas veronii resistance, and gut microbiota composition (2022).
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The impact of betaine supplementation in quail diet on growth performance, blood chemistry, and carcass traits (2022).
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Applications of butyric acid in poultry production: the dynamics of gut health, performance, nutrient utilization, egg quality, and osteoporosis (2022).
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Recent Development in Bioactive Peptides from Plant and Animal Products and Their Impact on the Human Health0 (2022).
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Natural Antimicrobial Molecules from Opuntia spp. and Their Role in Poultry Nutrition (2021).
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The use of black pepper (Piper guineense) as an ecofriendly antimicrobial agent to fight foodborne microorganisms (2022).
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A review of shrimp aquaculture and factors affecting the gut microbiome (2022).
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Early nutrition programming with Astragalus membranaceus polysaccharide: its effect on growth, carcasses, immunity, antioxidants, lipid profile and liver and kidney functions in broiler chickens (2022).
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Effects of in ovo injection of Astragalus kahericus polysaccharide on early growth, carcass weights and blood metabolites in broiler chickens (2022).
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Effect of Aloe vera and clove powder supplementation on growth performance, carcass and blood chemistry of Japanese quails (2022).
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Mitigating the detrimental effects of heat stress in poultry through thermal conditioning and nutritional manipulation (2021).
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Tomato pomace as a nontraditional feedstuff: productive and reproductive performance, digestive enzymes, blood metabolites, and the deposition of carotenoids into egg yolk in quail breeders (2022).
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Evaluation of dried tomato pomace as a non-conventional feed: Its effect on growth, nutrients digestibility, digestive enzyme, blood chemistry and intestinal microbiota of growing quails (2022).
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Impacts of Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) extract supplementation on growing Japanese quails’ growth, carcass traits, blood indices, nutrients digestibility and gut microbiota (2022).
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Dietary supplementation with Moringa oleifera leaves extract reduces the impacts of sub‑lethal fipronil in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (2022).
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Growth, carcass, digestive enzymes, intestinal microbiota and economics in growing Egyptian geese as affected by dietary fiber and fat levels (2022).
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Effect of coconut oil on growth performance, carcass criteria, liver and kidney functions, antioxidants and immunity, and lipid profile of broilers (2023).
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The Role of Chlorella vulgaris in Attenuating Infertility Induced by Cadmium Chloride via Suppressing Oxidative Stress and Modulating Spermatogenesis and Steroidogenesis in Male Rats (2023).
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Extender Supplementation with Glutathione (GSH) and Taurine Improves In Vitro Sperm Quality and Antioxidant Status of New Zealand Rabbits during Chilled Storage for up to 72 hours (2023).
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Dietary exogenous phytase improve egg quality, reproductive hormones, and prolongs the lifetime of the aging Hy-Line brown laying hens fed nonphytate phosphorus (2023).
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Association of insulin receptor substrate 1 ( IRS-1) gene polymorphism with growth and litter-related traits in NMER rabbits (2023).
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Assessment of variations in productive performance of two different plumage color varieties of Japanese quail and their reciprocal crosses (2023).
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Betaine as an alternative feed additive to choline and its effect on performance, blood parameters, and egg quality in laying hens rations (2023).
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Drug-independent control strategy of clostridial infection in broiler chickens using anti-toxin environmentally friendly multienzymes (2023).
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Use of Postbiotic as Growth Promoter in Poultry Industry: A Review of Current Knowledge and Future Prospects (2023).
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Ameliorative effects of Dunaliella salina microalgae on nanoparticle (ZnO NPs)-induced toxicity in fish (2023).
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Dietary supplementation of quercetin nanoparticles enhances the growth performance hematological and immunological responses and resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila infection in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) exposed to silver nanoparticles toxicity (2023).
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Benefits of Chlorella vulgaris against Cadmium Chloride-Induced Hepatic and Renal Toxicities via Restoring the Cellular Redox Homeostasis and Modulating Nrf2 and NF-KB Pathways in Male Rats (2023).
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Chamomile essential oil improves the growth, immunity, and antioxidant status of Nile tilapia exposed to nanosized alumina (2023).
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The use of Astragalus membranaceus as an eco-friendly alternative for antibiotics in diets of Japanese quail breeders (2023).
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Physiological and Neurobehavioral Disturbances Induced by Al2O3 Nanoparticle Intoxication in Nile Tilapia Fish: Benefits of Dietary Chamomile Essential Oil (2023).
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Yeast and derived products: their uses in preventing mycotoxins in poultry feeds (2023).
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In ovo protective effects of chicoric and rosmarinic acids against Thiacloprid-induced cytotoxicity, oxidative stress, and growth retardation on newly hatched chicks (2023).
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Potential of Spirulina platensis as a feed supplement for poultry to enhance growth performance and immune modulation (2023).
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Application of herbs and their derivatives in broiler chickens: a review (2023).
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Heat detoxification of Jatropha cucas meal and its effect on productive and reproductive performance of quail (2023).
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Effect of Quercetin Nanoparticles on Hepatic and Intestinal Enzymes and Stress-Related Genes in Nile Tilapia Fish Exposed to Silver Nanoparticles (2023).
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Inactivated Saccharomyces cerevisiae and selenium as alternatives to antibiotic in rabbits reared under summer conditions: Effects on growth, nutrient utilization, cecal fermentation, blood components, and intestinal architecture (2023).
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Comparison of the effects of probiotic-based formulations on growth, feed utilization, blood constituents, cecal fermentation, and duodenal morphology of rabbits reared under hot environmental conditions (2023).
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Growth, carcass criteria, and blood biochemical parameters of growing quails fed Arthrospira platensis as a feed additive (2023).
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Role of Yeast and Yeast-Derived Products as Feed Additives in Broiler Nutrition (2023).
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Phytosterol: nutritional significance, health benefits, and its uses in poultry and livestock nutrition (2022).
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A Comprehensive Review on Chemical Profile and Pharmacological Activities of Ocimum basilicum (2023).
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Anise and grape seed oils as a feed additive to improve the performance, immune response, and antioxidant activity and reduce caecal pathogenic microbes of quail (2023).
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Effect of varying dietary Azolla levels on growth, carcass characteristics, blood biochemical parameters and digestive enzymes of growing Egyptian geese (2023).
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Productive performance, lipid profile, immunity, and antioxidant parameters of quail breeders fed low protein diets supplemented with different zinc sources (2023).
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Recent Development in Bioactive Peptides from Plant and Animal Products and Their Impact on the Human Health (2023).
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Nutritional Aspects and Health Benefits of Bioactive Plant Compounds against Infectious Diseases: A Review (2023).
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Applications of butyric acid in poultry production: the dynamics of gut health, performance, nutrient utilization, egg quality, and osteoporosis (2023).
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Evaluation of antimicrobial effect of olive leaves powder and its role in improving the broiler productivity, carcass traits, blood metabolites, and caecal microbiota (2023).
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Efficacy of in ovo delivered resveratrol (Trans 3, 4, 5-trihydroxystilbene) on growth, carcass weights, and blood metabolites of broiler chicks (2023).
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Rice Bran as an Alternative Feedstuff in Broiler Nutrition and Impact of Liposorb® and Vitamin E-Se on Sustainability of Performance, Carcass Traits, Blood Biochemistry, and Antioxidant Indices (2023).
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Effect of dietary modulation of fiber and fat level on liver and kidney functions, lipid profile, antioxidant and immune parameters in growing Egyptian geese (2023).
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The role of dietary chia seed powder in modulating cold stress-related impacts in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (2023).
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In ovo protective effects of chicoric and rosmarinic acids against Thiacloprid-induced cytotoxicity, oxidative stress, and growth retardation on newly hatched chicks (2023).
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Effect of dietary modulation of fiber and fat level on liver and kidney functions, lipid profile, antioxidant and immune parameters in growing Egyptian geese. (2023).
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The role of different dietary Zn sources in modulating heat stress-related effects on some thermoregulatory parameters of New Zealand white rabbit bucks. (2023).
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Effect of parsley (Petroselinum crispum) oil as feed additive on broiler performance, carcass, liver and kidney functions, antioxidant, lipid profile, and immunity (2024).
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Trace Minerals in Laying Hen Diets and Their Effects on Egg Quality (2024).
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The Role of Chlorella vulgaris in Attenuating Infertility Induced by Cadmium Chloride via Suppressing Oxidative Stress and Modulating Spermatogenesis and Steroidogenesis in Male Rats (2023).
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Influence of Dietary Probiotic and Alpha-Monolaurin on Performance, Egg Quality, Blood Constituents, and Egg Fatty Acids’ Profile in Laying Hens (2024).
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Dietary supplementation with Dunaliella salina microalga promotes quail growth by altering lipid profile and immunity (2024).
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Lysozyme as an alternative to antibiotics improves growth, antioxidants status, immunity, and intestinal bacteria in broiler chickens during the fattening period (2024).
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Effects of varying dietary microalgae levels on performance, egg quality, fertility, and blood biochemical parameters of laying Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix Japonica) (2024).
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Chamomile essential oil improves the growth, immunity, and antioxidant status of Nile tilapia exposed to nanosized alumina (2024).
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The role of chamomile oil against ochratoxin A in quail breeders: productive and reproductive performances, egg quality, and blood metabolites (2024).
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Does dietary supplementation with lettuce seed oil enhance broiler performance, immunity, lipid profile, liver and kidney functions, antioxidant parameters, and intestinal microbiota? (2024).
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Dietary supplementation with a mixture of Dunaliella salina and Spirulina enhances broiler performance by improving growth, immunity, digestive enzymes and gut microbiota (2024).
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Determining the prevalence and genetic diversity of plasmid-mediated sulfonamide resistance in Escherichia coli from commercial broiler samples (2024).
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Yucca schidigera Extract Mitigates the Oxidative Damages, Inflammation, and Neurochemical Impairments in the Brains of Quails Exposed to Lead (2024).
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An updated review of azolla in poultry diets (2023).
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Early nutrition as a tool to improve the productive performance of broiler chickens (2024).
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Nutraceutical and Health-Promoting Potential of Lactoferrin, an Iron-Binding Protein in Human and Animal: Current Knowledge (2023).
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An updated review of azolla in poultry diets (2024).
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Emulsifiers and their applications in farm animals (2024).
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Probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics in animal and poultry nutrition (2024).
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Leverage of Matricaria chamomilla L. Oil Supplementation over Ochratoxin A in Growing Quails (2024).
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Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) Used as Functional Feed Supplement or Alternative Protein Source: A Review of the Effects of Different Dietary Inclusion Levels on Production Performance, Health Status, and Meat Quality of Broiler Chickens (2024).
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Use of corn germ meal and bile acids in laying quail diets: effect on production, reproduction, health and economics (2024).
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Application of butyric acid as a feed additive for improving quail performance and health (2024).
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Dietary supplementation with a mixture of Dunaliella salina and Spirulina enhances broiler performance by improving growth, immunity, digestive enzymes and gut microbiota (2024).
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Evaluation of the efficacy of hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate at mitigating the negative impact of aflatoxicosis on nutrient digestibility and other production- and health-related indices in broiler chickens (2024).
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In Vitro Proinflammatory and Cytotoxic Activity of Chicken-and Turkey-Based Würstels: A Preliminary Report (2024).
Research Area
Feed Additives
Herbal Plants
Poultry Nutritin
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