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Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed Abdelhady Abdelmoneim Ahmed Nael
Faculty Agriculture - Department Animal production dept
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [2005]
MSc In NULL, [2012]
PhD In NULL, [2016]
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
Academic Jobs
معيد : 6/1/2007
Doctor Assisant : 22/8/2012
Doctor : 27/12/2016
Professor Assisant : 31/1/2022
استاذ مساعد لقب علمى : 31/1/2022
1 -
Effect of exogenous hormone treatments on spermatogenesis in male grey mullet out of the spawning season (2016).
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Dietary Cold Pressed Watercress and Coconut Oil Mixture Enhances Growth Performance, Intestinal Microbiota, Antioxidant Status, and Immunity of Growing Rabbits (2018).
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Dietary chitosan nanoparticles enhance the growth, production performance, and immunity in Oreochromis niloticus (2018).
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Dietary combination of chitosan nanoparticle and thymol affects feed utilization, digestive enzymes, antioxidant status, and intestinal morphology of Oreochromis niloticus (2020).
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Ameliorative effect of diets supplemented with rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) on aflatoxin B1 toxicity in terms of the performance, liver histopathology, immunity and antioxidant activity of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) (2019).
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Dietary chitosan nanoparticles enhance the growth, production performance, and immunity in Oreochromis niloticus (2019).
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Paulownia Leaves as A New Feed Resource: Chemical Composition and Effects on Growth, Carcasses, Digestibility, Blood Biochemistry, and Intestinal Bacterial Populations of Growing Rabbits (2019).
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Reversal effects of some safe dietary supplements on lead contaminated diet induced impaired growth and associated parameters in Nile tilapia (2020).
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The Biodegradation Role of Saccharomyces cerevisiae against Harmful Effects of Mycotoxin Contaminated Diets on Broiler Performance, Immunity Status, and Carcass characteristics (2020).
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The Simultaneous Administration of a Probiotic or Prebiotic with Live Salmonella Vaccine Improves Growth Performance and Reduces Fecal Shedding of the Bacterium in Salmonella-Challenged Broilers (2020).
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Reversal effects of some safe dietary supplements on lead contaminated diet induced impaired growth and associated parameters in Nile tilapia (2020).
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Effect of Antibiotic, Phytobiotic and Probiotic Supplementation on Growth, Blood Indices and Intestine Health in Broiler Chicks Challenged with Clostridium perfringens (2020).
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Dietary Origanum vulgare essential oil attenuates cypermethrin-induced biochemical changes, oxidative stress, histopathological alterations, apoptosis, and reduces DNA damage in Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) (2020).
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Rosemary leaf powder–supplemented diet enhances performance, antioxidant properties, immune status, and resistance against bacterial diseases in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) (2020).
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The new aspects of using some safe feed additives on alleviated imidacloprid toxicity in farmed fish: a review (2020).
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Effect of a Diet Supplemented with the Moringa oleifera Seed Powder on the Performance, Egg Quality, and Gene Expression in Japanese Laying Quail under Heat-Stress (2020).
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Assessment of Stocking Rate and Housing System on Performance, Carcass Traits, Blood Indices, and Meat Quality of French Pekin Ducks (2020).
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Growth, carcass traits, immunity and oxidative status of broilers exposed to continuous or intermittent lighting programs (2020).
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Biomonitoring of Heavy Metal Pollution Using Acanthocephalans Parasite in Ecosystem: An Updated Overview (2020).
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Growth, immunity, relative gene expression, carcass traits and economic efficiency of two rabbit breeds fed prebiotic supplemented diets (2020).
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The antioxidative and immunity roles of chitosan nanoparticle and vitamin C-supplemented diets against imidacloprid toxicity on Oreochromis niloticus (2020).
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Dietary combination of chitosan nanoparticle and thymol affects feed utilization, digestive enzymes, antioxidant status, and intestinal morphology of Oreochromis niloticus (2020).
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Rosemary leaf powder–supplemented diet enhances performance, antioxidant properties, immune status, and resistance against bacterial diseases in Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) (2020).
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Effects of dietary Nannochloropsis oculata on growth performance, serum biochemical parameters, immune responses, and resistance against Aeromonas veronii challenge in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) (2020).
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An Overview on the Potential Hazards of Pyrethroid Insecticides in Fish, with Special Emphasis on Cypermethrin Toxicity (2021).
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Beneficial impacts and health benefits of macroalgae phenolic molecules on fish production (2021).
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Dietary organic selenium improves growth, serum biochemical indices, immune responses, antioxidative capacity, and modulates transcription of stress-related genes in Nile tilapia reared under sub-optimal temperature (2021).
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Effects of Activated Charcoal on Growth, Immunity, Oxidative Stress Markers, and Physiological Responses of Nile Tilapia Exposed to Sub-Lethal Imidacloprid Toxicity (2021).
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Practical application of some common agro-processing wastes in poultry diets (2021).
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The dietary administration of miswak leaf powder promotes performance, antioxidant, immune activity, and resistance against infectious diseases on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) (2021).
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The effects of clove seed (Syzygium aromaticum) dietary administration on carcass characteristics, meat quality, and sensory attributes of broiler chickens (2021).
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The effects of dietary clinoptilolite and chitosan nanoparticles on growth, body composition, haemato-biochemical parameters, immune responses, and antioxidative status of Nile tilapia exposed to imidacloprid (2021).
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The efficiency of dietary Sargassum aquifolium on the performance, innate immune responses, antioxidant activity, and intestinal microbiota of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) raised at high stocking density (2021).
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The Feasibility of Using Yellow Mealworms (Tenebrio molitor): Towards a Sustainable Aquafeed Industry (2021).
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The influences of Tylosine and licorice dietary supplementation in terms of the productive performance, serum parameters, egg yolk lipid profile, antioxidant and immunity status of laying Japanese quail under heat stress condition (2021).
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Therapeutic Potential of Thymoquinone and Its Nanoformulations in Pulmonary Injury: A Comprehensive Review (2021).
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Using lactic acid bacteria as an immunostimulants in cultured shrimp with special reference to Lactobacillus spp. (2021).
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Dietary supplementation of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) with β-glucan and/or Bacillus coagulans: Synergistic impacts on performance, immune responses, redox status and expression of some related genes (2022).
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Effects of a blend of herbal feed supplements on growth, associated blood indices and body chemical analysis in Nile tilapia reared under high stocking density. (2022).
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The mitigating role of probiotics against the adverse effects of suboptimal temperature in farmed fish: A review (2022).
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Gum Arabic-enriched diet modulates growth, antioxidant defenses, innate immune response, intestinal microbiota and immune related genes expression in tilapia fish (2022).
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The effects of various organic fertilizers with or without adsorbents on the productivity, antioxidant status and immune responses of Nile tilapia raised in cement ponds (2022).
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The mitigating role of probiotics against the adverse effects of suboptimal temperature in farmed fish: A review (2022).
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Administration of some probiotic strains in the rearing water enhances the water quality, performance, body chemical analysis, antioxidant and immune responses of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (2022).
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Improving water quality, growth performance, and modulating some stress physiological biomarkers in Cyprinus carpio using raw date nuclei as a zinc adsorbent agent (2022).
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The effectiveness of Arthrospira platensis and microalgae in relieving stressful conditions affecting finfish and shellfish species: An overview (2022).
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The effects of paulownia (Paulownia tomentosa) leaf extract enriched diets on meat quality, sensory attributes, and the potential economic impact of broilers (2022).
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The Impact of Paulownia Leaves Extract on Performance, Blood Biochemical, Antioxidant, Immunological Indices, and Related Gene Expression of Broilers (2022).
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Brown Seaweed (Padina australis) Extract can Promote Performance, Innate Immune Responses, Digestive Enzyme Activities, Intestinal Gene Expression and Resistance against Aeromonas hydrophila in Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) (2022).
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The Effect of Dietary Saccharomyces cerevisiae on Growth Performance, Oxidative Status, and Immune Response of Sea Bream (Sparus aurata) (2022).
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Probiotic and Antioxidant Potential of the Lactobacillus Spp. Isolated from Artisanal Fermented Pickles (2022).
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Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of phytonutrients as antibiotic substitutes in poultry feed (2021).
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Growth, immunity, relative gene expression, carcass traits and economic efficiency of two rabbit breeds fed prebiotic supplemented diets (2020).
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Effects of feeding rate and formula fineness degree of ring die pellet mill on mechanical property, physical quality, energy requirements, and production cost of poultry diets (2023).
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A mini-review on plAnt-derived phenolic compounds with pArticulAr emphAsis on their possible ApplicAtions And beneficiAl uses in AquAculture (2023).
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Acrylamide toxicity in aquatic animals and its mitigation approaches: an updated overview (2023).
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An updated review on behavior of domestic quail with reference to the negative effect of heat stress (2023).
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ApplicAtions of AntimicrobiAl peptides (Amps) As An AlternAtive to Antibiotic use in AquAculture – A mini-review (2023).
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Feeding barley and corn hydroponic based rations improved digestibility and performance in Beetal goats (2023).
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Immune‑adjuvant effect of vitamin A and probiotics supplementation on humoral response to cell culture rabies vaccine in rabbits (2023).
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Pumpkin seed oil–supplemented diets promoted the growth productivity, antioxidative capacity, and immune response in heat‑stressed growing rabbits (2023).
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The Assessment of Different Dietary Selenium Resources on Reproductive Performance, Spawning Indicators, and Larval Production of Red Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus × O. niloticus) Broodfish (2023).
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The risk assessment of high‐fat diet in farmed fish and its mitigation approaches: A review (2022).
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Therapeutic uses and applications of bovine lactoferrin in aquatic animal medicine: an overview (2023).
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Yeast in layer diets: its effect on production, health, egg composition and economics (2023).
Research Area
animal physiology
fish physiology
nutritional physiology
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