Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
Staff Data Search
Personal Website
Magda Attia Gaber Attia Abdelbaky
Faculty Nurse - Department Nursing Administration
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [1995]
MSc In NULL, [2002]
PhD In NULL, [2009]
(لا يوجد)
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
Academic Jobs
معيد : 15/11/2000
Doctor Assisant : 22/10/2002
Doctor : 28/6/2009
Professor Assisant : 30/4/2017
Professor : 29/11/2022
1 -
Development of motivational strategies for nursing students at Zagazig University in Egypt (2015).
2 -
Developed Strategies for Improvement Organizational Climate and Job Performance of Administrative Employees at Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University in Egypt (2014).
3 -
Relationship among nurses’ safety compliance, organizational safety climate, worker’s variables and job satisfaction at Zagazig University hospitals (2013).
4 -
Development of Clinical Teaching Skills Standards (2011).
5 -
Job Stressors and Burnout and coping strategies among Faculty Members and Assistants in Faculty of Nursing at Zagazig University (2014).
6 -
Comparison of Nursing Students’ perceptions about Male Nursing among Zagazig University in Egypt and Shaqra University in Saudi Arabia (2013).
7 -
Relationship between Organizational Culture, Occupational Stress and Locus of Control among Staff Nurses at Zagazig University Hospitals in Egypt (2015).
8 -
Development of clinical judgment model to guide nursing interns (2018).
9 -
Developing Strategies for Overcoming Challenges Facing Nursing's Clinical Teaching” (2019).
10 -
Developing and validating a nursing strategic plan for COVID-19 pandemic” (2021).
11 -
"The Effect of Instructional Intervention about Competency-Based Nursing Education on academic’s knowledge, planning skills, and their acceptance during COVID Pandemic" (2021).
12 -
"Construction of contextual variables and nurses’ performance model” (2021).
13 -
"COVID-19 Stigma and Nurses’ Professional Quality of Life, Self-esteem and Performance" (2021).
14 -
"Job Crafting and Its Relation to Innovative Work Behavior among Nurses at Zagazig University Hospitals” (2022).
15 -
“Relationship among Organizational Corruption, Culture, Justice, and Nurses’ Attitude towards Work" (2022).
Research Area
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