Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
Staff Data Search
Personal Website
Eman Ahmed Gohda
Faculty Nurse - Department Obstetric Nursing and Gynecology
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [2006]
MSc In NULL, [2013]
PhD In NULL, [2018]
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
Academic Jobs
معيد : 28/11/2007
Doctor Assisant : 25/3/2013
Doctor : 19/8/2018
Professor Assisant : 26/12/2023
استاذ مساعد لقب علمى : 26/12/2023
1 -
Impact of Intervention Program on Nurse's Knowledge and Practice Regarding Management of Fourth Stage of Labour and Pre-Discharge Counseling. (2020).
2 -
Utilization of Nursing Guideline and Videos Assisted Teaching for Alleviation of Minor Ailments Among Primigravida Mothers (2021).
3 -
Educational Nursing Program for Improving Nonmedical Students' Awareness toward Endometriosis at Zagazig University (2021).
4 -
Effect of Fundal Massage Technique and Alternative Leg Lifting Exercise on After pain Severity and Uterine Involution Among Multipara Women (2022).
5 -
Effect of Finger Handheld Relaxation Technique on Incisional Pain Intensity among Post Caesarean Women (2022).
6 -
Awareness of Women Towards Risk Factors, Screening Practices and Preventive Behaviors of Cervical Cancer (2023).
7 -
Effect of Educational Program on Maternity Nurses’ Knowledge and Practices Regarding Non-invasive Fetal Wellbeing Assessment Methods (2023).
8 -
Effect of Instructional Guidelines on Knowledge and Self-care Practices of Pregnant Women with Urinary Tract Infections (2023).
9 -
Impact of intervention program on nurse's knowledge and practice regarding management of fourth stage of labour and pre discharge counseling (2020).
10 -
Utilization of nursing guideline and videos assisted teaching for alleviation of minor Ailments among primigravida mothers (2021).
11 -
Effect of fundal massage technique and alternative leg lifting exercise on After pain severity and uterine involution among multi para women (2022).
12 -
Assessment of Woman’s Awareness Regrading Risk Factors and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer (2022).
13 -
Awareness of Women Regarding Preventive Measures of Cervical Cancer at Zagazig University Hospital (2024).
Research Area
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