/ Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق

Mostafa Abdelhamied Zaki Abdelhamied

Faculty Physical Education For Male - Department the department of sports training and biomechanic

Scientific degrees

BSc In NULL, [1987]
MSc In NULL, [1992]
(Determining standard levels of some physiological variables and Alnevsahkaawaml Sporting help of trainers in the selection of an emerging football)
PhD In NULL, [1998]
(Some renderings motor development Almarkih combined offensive of the nascent football)

الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :

قائم بالعمل
معيد : 18/10/1987
Doctor Assisant : 29/3/1993
Doctor : 30/8/1998
Professor Assisant : 29/6/2004
Professor : 31/8/2009