Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
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Curriculum Vitae
Ehab Saber Ismaiel Ismail
Faculty Physical Education For Male - Department the department of theories and applications racket
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [2006]
MSc In NULL, [2009]
(Master in Physical Education)
PhD In NULL, [2013]
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
Academic Jobs
معيد : 30/7/2006
Doctor Assisant : 27/1/2010
Doctor : 24/12/2013
Professor Assisant : 23/12/2018
Professor : 30/1/2024
1 -
The percentages of the contribution of the kinematic indicators to the skill of the high serve on the face of the racket The back and its relationship to the accuracy of the ball falling for squash players (2014).
2 -
The effect of using physical and skill exercises in the individual training method on some physical abilities and the speed of performing the front and back blow for squash juniors (2015).
3 -
Effect of Developing Footwork Movement Patterns on Results of Games of Squash Young Players (2016).
4 -
A Biomechanical Comparison of the Striking Arm of forehand and backhand Service Skills in squash players (2016).
5 -
The effect of uniform and multi-directional training doses on some physical and skill abilities of squash players (2017).
6 -
The effect of visual training on developing the accuracy and speed of performance of some tactical performances for squash players (2018).
7 -
The effect of performance endurance training on some physical abilities and skill performances of squash players (2018).
8 -
Impact of training movements on some performance accuracy of some Attacking skills for squash players (2013).
9 -
The effectiveness of visual training on some attacking skills to youth squash (2009).
10 -
The effect of tactical approach exercises in competitive style on some physical and skill variables for squash players (2020).
11 -
the dynamics of developing the strength of the core muscles and their effect on bone mineral density and some physiological, physical and skill variables for squash players (2020).
12 -
Physical, biochemical, and physiological effects of recovery methods on tennis players (2021).
13 -
Physical construction of power production systems for squash players (2021).
14 -
The effect of interval training with lack of oxygen on cardiorespiratory fitness and some physical variables and the level of skill performance of squash players (2021).
15 -
The effect of different training methods on some morphological and physical variables the skill of field hockey players (2022).
16 -
Impact of repeated maximum intensity agility and speed training on developing the an aerobic, aerobic abilities and some skillful performances for badminton players (2022).
17 -
The effect of simultaneous training with restricted blood flow on some health variables and the level of skillful performance of squash players (2023).
Research Area
Motor Control
Sport Biomechanics
Sport Physiology
Sport Training
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