Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
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Curriculum Vitae
Mostafa Abdelraoof Mohamed Marzok
Faculty Veterinary Medicine - Department Surgery Anaesthesia and Radiology
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [2008]
MSc In NULL, [2012]
(Surgical infections infectious cattle and their relationship to the weakness of fertility)
PhD In NULL, [2018]
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
Academic Jobs
معيد : 30/3/2009
Doctor Assisant : 25/9/2012
Doctor : 29/5/2018
Professor Assisant : 1/7/2023
استاذ مساعد لقب علمى : 30/5/2023
1 -
Traumatic Reticuloperitonitis (TRP) and its Sequelae in Cattle and Buffaloes (2012).
2 -
Femur fractures and treatment options in 20 dogs admitted to our clinic from January 2013 to December 2015 (2018).
3 -
Novel Bioabsorbable Bovine Derived Atelo-Collagen Type I Membrane: Characterization into Host Tissues (2017).
4 -
Injectable-platelet rich fibrin using the low speed centrifugation concept improves cartilage regeneration when compared to platelet-rich plasma. (2017).
5 -
Diagnostic Approach to Nephrotoxicosis with Vitamin K3 in Draft Horses Based on iNOS and Selective Urinary Variables (2017).
6 -
Near-infrared light-triggered drug delivery system based on black phosphorus for in vivo bone regeneration (2018).
7 -
Superior bone-inducing potential of rhBMP9 compared to rhBMP2 (2018).
8 -
Normal Radiographic, Computed Tomography and Ultrasonographic Anatomy of the Carpal Region in Baladi Goats (Capra Hircus) (2019).
9 -
Novel Natural Bovine Bone Graft with Integrated Atelo-Collagen Type I: Atelocollagen Bovine Bone Mineral (ABBM) Characterization In-vivo (2017).
10 -
Bone fractures in dogs: A retrospective study of 129 dogs (2020).
11 -
Suppurative Injection Site lesion In Cattle: Clinico-biochemical, Ultrasonographic and histopathological examinations (2019).
12 -
Clinical and ultrasonographic investigations of 30 water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) with hepatomegaly (2019).
13 -
Normal anatomical and diagnostic imaging techniques of the musculotendinous structures of the ostrich (Struthio camelus) foot (2020).
14 -
Congestive heart failure in cattle; etiology, clinical, and ultrasonographic findings in 67 cases (2020).
15 -
Obstructive urolithiasis in buffalo calves (Bubalus bubalis): Serum changes of Vitamins A and D and efficacy of surgical management using tube cystostomy (2021).
16 -
Next-Generation Natural Bovine Bone Mineral Grafting Material with Integrated Atelocollagen Type 1 (2019).
17 -
Prevalence of non-infectious claw disorders in Egyptian dairy farms in relation to the flooring system (2021).
18 -
Clinicopathological and imaging features of hypertrophic osteopathy in dogs (2022).
19 -
Tibial and Fibular Fractures in Dogs and Cats: Retrospective Study (2022).
20 -
Comparing efficacy of the platelet rich plasma and advanced platelet rich fibrin on tibial bone defect regeneration in dogs (2022).
Research Area
Bone Biomaterials
Bone Regeneration
Small Animal Surgery
Veterinary Surgery
Veterinary Ultrasonography
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