Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
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Personal Website
Mohammed Nour Abdelgawad Ahmed
Faculty Engineering - Department Computer and Syatems Engineering
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [1998]
MSc In NULL, [2004]
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
منهي خدمتة
Academic Jobs
معيد : 20/12/2004
Doctor Assisant : 3/1/2005
Doctor : 28/2/2016
1 -
Optimal Genetic-Sliding Mode Control of VSC-HVDC Transmission Systems (2015).
2 -
Cosimulation environment for mechanical design optimization with evolutionary algorithms (2014).
3 -
Design and control of MIRA: A lightweight climbing robot for ship inspection (2014).
4 -
An Intelligent Architecture for Legged Robot Terrain Classification Using Proprioceptive and Exteroceptive Data (2015).
5 -
Measurement and Control of the Contact Forces between Walking Robot legs and its Environment (2010).
6 -
Scout Rover Applications for Forward Acqusition of Soil and Terrain Data (2014).
7 -
Autonomous Path Tracking Steering Controller for Extraterrestrial Terrain Exploration Rover (2014).
8 -
Using Industrial Actuators for Rapid Development of Electric Car Applications (2014).
9 -
Enhancing Mobility using Innovative Technologies and Highly Flexible Autonomous Vehicles (2014).
10 -
Car of the Future: Innovative Technologies in Electromobility for development, design, and construction of smart cars (2014).
11 -
Realistic Simulation of Extraterrestrial Legged Robot in Trade-off between Accuracy and Simulation Time (2010).
12 -
A Framework for Design, Test, and Validation of Electric Car Modules (2014).
13 -
A simulation-based design of extraterrestrial six-legged robot system (2009).
14 -
Modeling of Leg Soil Interaction using Genetic Algorithms (2011).
Research Area
Systems and Control
Machine Learning
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