Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
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Personal Website
Mohammed Osama Khalil Garida
Faculty Engineering - Department Industrial Engineering
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [1996]
MSc In NULL, [2000]
PhD In NULL, [2008]
(لا يوجد)
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
منهي خدمتة
Academic Jobs
معيد : 30/3/1997
Doctor Assisant : 7/11/2001
Doctor : 28/9/2009
Professor Assisant : 26/11/2019
1 -
A Model for Optimizing Data Caching of Dual Mode Handheld Devices (2013).
2 -
A system dynamics-based model to implement the Theory of Constraints in a healthcare system (2019).
3 -
Optimization of preventive maintenance interval (2017).
4 -
Repairable 3-out-of-4: Cold standby system availability (2017).
5 -
An empirical model for estimating berth and sailing times of mega container ships (2018).
6 -
Evaluation of critical success factors for business intelligence systems using fuzzy AHP (2018).
7 -
A multi-product multi-supplier combined inventory and suppliers (2018).
8 -
User-friendly ICT-enabled applications for renewable energy management (2018).
9 -
Critical success factors framework for implementing and adapting BIS on organisational performance (2019).
10 -
Short Text Mining: State of the Art and Research Opportunities (2019).
11 -
Critical success factors framework for implementing and adapting BIS on organisational performance (2019).
12 -
Multi-Suppliers Procurement Modelwith Optimal Service Level Tailored for Egyptian Industrial Sector (2014).
13 -
A sustainable user-centered application for residential energy consumption saving (2022).
14 -
Critical Success Factors Evaluation for Blockchain’s Adoption and Implementing (2022).
Research Area
Game Theory
Ocean Logistics
Retail Operation Management
Revenue Management
Subsidy Management
Supply Chain
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