/ Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق

Lymaa Ahmed Abdelfatah Mohamed Aly

Faculty Specific Education - Department Department of Music education

Scientific degrees

BSc In NULL, [1997]
MSc In NULL, [2006]
(A proposal for the development of innovation STORY kinetic musical program in the subject of improvisation music education through the pieces for the piano and Dalroz)
PhD In NULL, [2011]
(The development of educational music improvisation through collective performance)

الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :

قائم بالعمل
معيد : 28/8/1999
Doctor Assisant : 8/2/2007
Doctor : 29/11/2011
Professor Assisant : 27/8/2017
Professor : 27/9/2022