Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
Staff Data Search
Personal Website
Ali Saied Ali Ibrahiem
Faculty Education - Department Department of Comparative Education and Educationa
Scientific degrees
LSc In NULL, [1995]
PhD In NULL, [2004]
(لا يوجد)
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم باجازة خاصة
Academic Jobs
معيد : 20/5/1996
Doctor : 29/11/2005
1 -
Review of the book Educational roots of political crisis in Egypt by J. Cochran (2010).
2 -
The politics of educational transfer andpolicymaking in Egypt (2010).
3 -
Education in the U.A.E.: A socio-cultural analysis (2010).
4 -
Dubai’s Knowledge Village and Creating a Knowledge Economy in the United Arab Emirates (2012).
5 -
Review of the book Educational reform in Egyptian primary schools since the 1990s: A study of the political values and behavior of sixth grade students by N. M. Sika, (2012).
6 -
Population pressure on education in the Middle East. (2012).
7 -
The learning needs of novice teachers in the United Arab Emirates (2012).
8 -
Gulf Comparative Education Society: In search of a foothold (2013).
9 -
Induction and mentoring of novice teachers: a scheme forthe United Arab Emirates (2013).
10 -
Principal leadership style, school performance, and principal effectiveness in Dubai schools (2013).
11 -
Teacher resistance to educational change in the United Arab Emirates (2013).
12 -
Approaches to supervision of student teachers in one UAE teacher education program (2013).
13 -
Life and entrepreneurship skills among UAE students in secondary schools (2014).
14 -
Reshaping the attitudes of university students toward private sector employment (2015).
15 -
Principals' communication styles and school performance in Al Ain government schools, UAE (2016).
16 -
New teachers’ needs and mentoring in the UAE. (2016).
Research Area
التربية المقارنة والادارة التعليمية
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