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Salwa Amien Mohamed ebrhiem
Faculty Engineering - Department Mathematical and Physics Engineering
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [1972]
MSc In NULL, [1985]
PhD In NULL, [1989]
(لا يوجد)
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
Academic Jobs
معيد : 27/12/1978
Doctor Assisant : 4/5/1985
Doctor : 19/4/1989
Professor Assisant : 17/10/1995
Professor : 27/5/2008
1 -
New Smoother to Enhance Multigrid-Based Methods for Bratu Problem
2 -
Optimally Efficient Multigrid algorithms for Incompressible Euler Equations
3 -
Adaptive FAS-Multigrid Method for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations on Unstructured Grids
4 -
An Adaptive multigrid iterative approach for frictional contact problems
5 -
Analysis of cracked plates using an iterative hybrid technique of boundary element method and distributed dislocation method
6 -
An Incremental Convex Programming Model of the Elastic Frictional Contact Problems
7 -
Automatic Mesh Refinement and Data Structure for Multigrid Finite Element Techniques
8 -
Analytical Solution of Cracked Shell Resting on Elastic Foundation
9 -
Two Algorithms For Generating Structured-Hexahedral Meshes
10 -
Analysis of a Multigrid Method for Solving Poisson’s Equation with Full Neumann Boundary Conditions
11 -
An Adaptive Multigrid Solver for Contact Problems
12 -
Solution of Incompressible, Inviscid Euler Equation by an Optimally Efficient Multigrid Technique
13 -
New Smoother to Enhance Multigrid-Based Methods for Bratu Problem (2008).
14 -
Optimally efficient multigrid algorithms for incompressible Euler equations (2008).
15 -
Adaptive FAS-multigrid method for nonlinear elliptic equations on unstructured grids (2007).
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An adaptive multigrid iterative approach for frictional contact problems (2005).
17 -
Analysis of cracked plates using an iterative hybrid technique of boundary element method and distributed dislocation method (2007).
18 -
An incremental convex programming model of the elastic frictional contact problems (2006).
19 -
Exponential higher-order compact scheme for 3D steady convection–diffusion problem (2014).
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A modified diffusion coefficient technique for the convection diffusion equation (2013).
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Analytical Solution of Cracked Shell Resting on Elastic Foundation (1996).
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Vibration analysis of Euler–Bernoulli nanobeams embedded in an elastic medium by a sixth-order compact finite difference method (2015).
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Nonlinear modeling and analysis of electrically actuated viscoelastic microbeams based on the modified couple stress theory (2017).
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Nonlinear analysis of functionally graded nanoscale beams incorporating the surface energy and microstructure effects (2017).
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Numerical analysis of nonlinear free and forced vibrations of buckled curved beams resting on nonlinear elastic foundations (2018).
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Surface energy effects on the nonlinear free vibration of functionally graded Timoshenko nanobeams based on modified couple stress theory (2019).
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Periodic and nonperiodic modes of postbuckling and nonlinear vibration of beams attached to nonlinear foundations (2019).
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Energy equivalent model in analysis of postbuckling of imperfect carbon nanotubes resting on nonlinear elastic foundation (2019).
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Coupling effect of surface energy and dispersion forces on nonlinear size-dependent pull-in instability of functionally graded micro-/nanoswitches (2019).
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Comprehensive investigation of vibration of sigmoid and power law FG nanobeams based on surface elasticity and modified couple stress theories. (2020).
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Computational DIQM Scheme for Solving Nonlinear Volterra Integro-Differential Equations. (2020).
33 -
Optimization of hybrid natural laminated composite beams for a minimum weight and cost design (2020).
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A fractional differential quadrature method for fractional differential equations and fractional eigenvalue problems (2021).
35 -
Optimal weight for buckling of FG beam under variable axial load using Pareto optimality (2021).
36 -
Thermal vibration characteristics of pre/post-buckled bi-directional functionally graded tapered microbeams based on modified couple stress Reddy beam theory (2020).
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Static stability of higher order functionally graded beam under variable axial load (2020).
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Nonlinear thermal buckling and postbuckling analysis of bidirectional functionally graded tapered microbeams based on Reddy beam theory (2020).
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Static stability of symmetric and sigmoid functionally graded beam under variable axial load (2020).
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Influence of axial load function and optimization on static stability of sandwich functionally graded beams with porous core (2020).
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Buckling analysis of sandwich beam rested on elastic foundation and subjected to varying axial in-plane loads (2020).
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Static stability of a unified composite beams under varying axial loads (2020).
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Multi-objective shape optimization for axially functionally graded microbeams (2021).
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Weight optimization of axially functionally graded microbeams under buckling and vibration behaviors (2020).
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Nonlinear buckling and free vibration of curved CNTs by doublet mechanics (2020).
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Buckling and post-buckling behaviors of higher order carbon nanotubes using energy-equivalent model (2020).
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Buckling and stability analysis of sandwich beams subjected to varying axial loads (2020).
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Nonlinear thermal buckling and postbuckling analysis of bidirectional functionally graded tapered microbeams based on Reddy beam theory (2020).
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Thermal vibration characteristics of pre/post‑buckled bi‑directional functionally graded tapered microbeams based on modifed couple stress Reddy beam theory (2020).
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A novel differential-integral quadrature method for the solution of nonlinear integro-differential equations (2021).
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Nonlinear thermal vibration of pre/post buckled two dimensional FGM tapered microbeams based on a higher order shear deformation theory (2021).
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A comparison of FEM and DIQM in investigating the nonlinear free vibration of axially functionally graded tapered microbeams with general boundary conditions (2022).
53 -
Buckling of 2D FG Porous unified shear plates resting on elastic foundation based on neutral axis (2022).
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Static Response of 2D FG Porous Plates Resting on Elastic Foundation Using Midplane and Neutral Surfaces with Movable Constraints (2022).
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Meta-heuristic algorithms for solving nonlinear differential equations based on multivariate Bernstein polynomials (2021).
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Vibration analysis of laminated composite higher order beams under varying axial loads (2022).
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Static and dynamic stability responses of multilayer functionally graded carbon nanotubes reinforced composite nanoplates via quasi 3D nonlocal strain gradient theory (2021).
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Nonlinear Static Stability of Imperfect Bio-Inspired Helicoidal Composite Beams (2022).
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Exact Solution of Nonlinear Behaviors of Imperfect Bioinspired Helicoidal Composite Beams Resting on Elastic Foundations (2022).
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Bending, buckling and linear vibration of bio-inspired composite plates (2022).
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Snap-through instability of helicoidal composite imperfect beams surrounded by nonlinear elastic foundation (2022).
62 -
Static and stress analyses of bi-directional FG porous plate using unified higher order kinematics theories (2022).
63 -
Mathematical and Physical Analyses of Middle/Neutral Surfaces Formulations for Static Response of Bi-Directional FG Plates with Movable/Immovable Boundary Conditions (2022).
64 -
Free Vibration Characteristics of Bidirectional Graded Porous Plates with Elastic Foundations Using 2D-DQM (2022).
65 -
Static Buckling of 2D FG Porous Plates Resting on Elastic Foundation based on Unified Shear Theories (2023).
66 -
Multi-objective optimization of snap-through instability of helicoidal composite imperfect beams using Bernstein polynomials method (2023).
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Nonlinear stability of bio-inspired composite beams with higher order shear theory (2023).
68 -
Novel incremental procedure in solving nonlinear static response of 2D-FG porous plates (2023).
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Mathematical formulations for static behavior of bi-directional FG porous plates rested on elastic foundation including middle/neutral-surfaces (2023).
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Nonlinear stability of bio-inspired composite beams with higher order shear theory (2023).
71 -
Automatic multi-documents text summarization by a large-scale sparse multi-objective optimization algorithm (2023).
Research Area
Applied Mathematics
Computational Geometry
Computational Mechanics
Differential Equationd
Fluid Mechanics
Fractional Differential Equationd
Numerical Analysis
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