/ Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق

Rania Adel Mohamed Elhady Salim

Faculty Specific Education - Department Department of Music education

Scientific degrees

BSc In NULL, [1998]
MSc In التربية الموسيقية, (), [2003]
(Effectiveness of the proposed program of music for some of the positions and movements expressive in the development of the student's ability to improvise)
PhD In التربية الموسيقية, (), [2008]
(Proposed program that uses music and Bartok Brookviv kids to improve student innovation to the music of a song baby)

الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :

منقول من الكلية
معيد : 13/4/2000
Doctor Assisant : 28/12/2003
Doctor : 22/7/2008
Professor Assisant : 27/5/2015
Professor : 27/4/2021