Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
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Personal Website
Rania Ahmed Elsayed Ahmed Mansour Khalifa
Faculty Engineering - Department Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineer
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [2001]
MSc In NULL, [2009]
PhD In NULL, [2018]
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
Academic Jobs
معيد : 26/11/2001
Doctor Assisant : 17/5/2009
Doctor : 26/6/2018
استاذ مساعد لقب علمى : 29/10/2024
1 -
Skin-based Adaptive Background Subtraction for Hand Gesture Segmentation (2015).
2 -
Speech Compression Techniques based on Gaussian Mixture Model and Wavelet Analysis (2009).
3 -
Hand Gesture Recognition Based on Dimensionality Reduction of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (2017).
4 -
Hybrid Method based on Multi-Feature Descriptor for Static Sign Language Recognition (2017).
5 -
On the Capacity of MIMO-MAC in Rician Channel (2021).
6 -
Hand Gestures Recognition for Deaf Persons (2024).
7 -
Dual-Band Millimeter-Wave Circularly Polarized Antenna for Mobile Communications (2022).
8 -
A Hierarchical Deep Learning-Based Intrusion Detection Architecture for Clustered Internet of Things (2022).
9 -
Internet of Medical Things and Healthcare 4.0: Trends, Requirements, Challenges, and Research Directions (2023).
10 -
Effect of the Wavelength Reuse Pattern and Cell Size on the Performance of Indoor Cellular Visible Light Communication (2023).
11 -
Securing IoT and SDN systems using deep-learning based automatic intrusion detection (2023).
12 -
Performance Enhancement of Indoor Cellular Visible Light Communication through Cell Size and Wavelength Reuse Pattern (2023).
13 -
Deep learning-based Automatic Modulation Classification Using Robust CNN Architecture for Cognitive Radio Networks (2023).
14 -
Q-Band MIMO Antennas with Circular Polarization for Spatial and Polarization Diversity (2024).
15 -
Internet of Things-Based Robust Green Smart Grid (2024).
16 -
Stochastic Geometry Based Resource Allocation Scheme Over Cellular Shotgun Systems (2024).
Research Area
Pattern detection and Recognition
Artificial Intelligence
Computers Networks and Security
Image and Video Processing
Machine Learning
Mobile Communication
Signal Processing
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