Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
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Curriculum Vitae
Gamal Saber Ahmed Elfiky
Faculty Engineering - Department Construction and Utilities Engineering
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [1984]
MSc In NULL, [1992]
PhD In NULL, [1998]
(لا يوجد)
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
Academic Jobs
Professor Assisant : 14/9/2003
Professor : 28/10/2008
Professor Emeritus : 17/11/2021
1 -
Crustal Strains Field in the Vicinity of the Northern Part of Nasser Lake, Egypt, as Deduced from GPS Measurements and its Tectonic Implications (2011).
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Secular crustal deformation and interplate coupling of the Japanese Islands as deduced from continuous GPS array, 1996 – 2001 (2006).
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GPS derived velocity and Crustal strain field in Suez-Sinai area, Egypt (2005).
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Interplate coupling in the Tohoku district, Japan, deduced from geodetic data inversion (1999).
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Distribution of vertical crustal movement rates in the Tohoku district, Japan, predicted by least-squares collocation (1997).
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Continuous distribution of the horizontal strain in the Tohoku district, Japan, predicted by least!squares collocation (1999).
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Crustal deformation and interplate coupling in the Shikoku district, Japan, as seen from continuous GPS observation (1999).
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Study of periodic vertical crustal movement in the Omaezaki peninsula, Central Japan, and it’s tectonic implications (2000).
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Elastic and inelastic strains in the Japanese Islands deduced from GPS dense array (2000).
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Crustal strains in the Japanese islands as deduced from dense GPS array (1998).
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Crustal strains in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East as derived from GPS Observations (2000).
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Crustal strain field in Deccan trap region, western India, derived from GPS measurements (2000).
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Regional Egypt tropospheric mapping function model (2018).
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GNSS meteorology in Egypt: Modeling weighted mean temperature from radiosonde data (2019).
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GNSS-RO LEO satellite orbit optimization for Egypt and the Middle East region (2020).
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Determination of local gravimetric geoid model over Egypt using LSC and FFT estimation techniques based on different satellite- and ground-based datasets (2021).
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Development of an Inundation Model for the Northern Coastal Zone of the Nile Delta Region, Egypt Using High-Resolution DEM (2022).
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Analysis of the differences between GPS radio occultation and radiosonde atmosphere profiles in Egypt (2022).
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Improving the performance of GNSS precise point positioning by developed robust adaptive Kalman filter (2022).
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Development and Accuracy Assessment of High-Resolution Digital Elevation Model Using GIS Approaches for the Nile Delta Region, Egypt (2018).
Research Area
Troposphere and ionosphere delays for GPS
Crustal Deformation
Physical Geodesy
Remote Sensing
Surveying Engineering
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