Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
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Personal Website
Azhar Ahmed Hamdy Abdelsatar
Faculty Engineering - Department Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineer
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [2000]
MSc In NULL, [2008]
PhD In NULL, [2018]
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
Academic Jobs
معيد : 3/10/2000
Doctor Assisant : 22/11/2008
Doctor : 26/6/2018
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fully automated approach for patterned fabric defect detection (2016).
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Unsupervised Patterned Fabric Defect Detection using Texture Filtering and K-Means clustering (2017).
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Patterned Fabric Defect Detection System Using Near Infrared Imaging (2017).
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Performance Study For Color Filter Array Demosaicking Methods (2007).
5 -
Design Fiber Performance Monitoring Tool (FPMT) for Online Remote Fiber Line Performance Detection (2022).
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Remote Real-Time Optical Layers Performance Monitoring Using a Modern FPMT Technique Integrated with an EDFA Optical Amplifier (2023).
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Augmented doppler filter bank based approach for enhanced targets detection (2023).
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Performance Enhancement of Indoor Cellular Visible Light Communication through Cell Size and Wavelength Reuse Pattern (2023).
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Effect of the Wavelength Reuse Pattern and Cell Size on the Performance of Indoor Cellular Visible Light Communication (2023).
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Augmented Doppler Filter Bank for Enhancing Targets Detection Based on Machine Learning (2023).
Research Area
computer vision
digital image processing
digital zooming
Image processing
machine learning
optical fiber monitoring
pattern recognition
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