Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
Staff Data Search
Personal Website
Ahmed Salah Mohamed Mostafa
Faculty Computers and Informatics - Department Computer Science
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [2003]
MSc In NULL, [2009]
PhD In NULL, [2014]
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
Academic Jobs
معيد : 28/12/2003
Doctor Assisant : 26/7/2009
Doctor : 27/4/2015
Professor Assisant : 24/11/2020
1 -
A data parallel strategy for aligning multiple biological sequences on multi-core computers (2013).
2 -
A Parallel Chemical Reaction Optimization for Multiple Choice Knapsack Problem (2014).
3 -
PAR‐3D‐BLAST: A parallel tool for searching and aligning protein structures (2014).
4 -
Cluster-Distribute-Align-Merge: A General Algorithm to Speed Up Multiple Sequence Alignment on Multi-Core Computers (2014).
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A data decomposition middleware tool with a generic built-in work-flow (2013).
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Manipulating Dynamic Fluctuation Drawbacks in a Virtualized Environment (2013).
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A Multi-core Tool for Searching Protein Structural Similarities (2012).
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Lazy-Merge: A Novel Implementation for Indexed Parallel K-Way In-Place Merging (2016).
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Fast computation of 2D and 3D Legendre moments using multi-core CPUs and GPU parallel architectures (2019).
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Accelerated CPU–GPUs implementations for quaternion polar harmonic transform of color images (2020).
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New machine learning method for image-based diagnosis of COVID-19 (2020).
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Deep end-to-end learning for price prediction of second-hand items (2020).
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Efficient scientific workflow scheduling for deadline-constrained parallel tasks in cloud computing environments (2020).
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A Time-space Efficient Algorithm for Parallel k-way In-place Merging based on Sequence Partitioning and Perfect Shuffle (2020).
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A Lightweight Android Malware Classifier Using Novel Feature Selection Methods (2020).
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Editorial introduction: special issue on advances in parallel and distributed computing for neural computing (2020).
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COVID-19 diagnosis from CT scans and chest X-ray images using low-cost Raspberry Pi (2021).
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CUDAQuat : new parallel framework for fast computation of quaternion moments for color images applications (2021).
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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-Driven Decision-Making (2021).
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Usages of Spark Framework with Different Machine Learning Algorithms (2021).
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Efficient index-independent approaches for the collective spatial keyword queries (2021).
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A robust UWSN handover prediction system using ensemble learning (2021).
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Price Prediction of Seasonal Items Using Machine Learning and Statistical Methods (2021).
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Marine Data Prediction: An Evaluation of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Statistical Predictive Models (2021).
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Best-KFF: a multi-objective preemptive resource allocation policy for cloud computing systems (2021).
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A novel hybrid deep learning model for price prediction (2023).
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Best-KFF: a multi-objective preemptive resource allocation policy for cloud computing systems (2022).
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Predicting Insolvency of Insurance Companies in Egyptian Market Using Bagging and Boosting Ensemble Techniques (2022).
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An Adaptive Jellyfish Search Algorithm for Packing Items with Conflict (2023).
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Virtual Machine Replica Placement Using a Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm (2023).
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A Novel Price Prediction Service for E-Commerce Categorical Data (2023).
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Real-Time and Automatic System for Performance Evaluation of Karate Skills Using Motion Capture Sensors and Continuous Wavelet Transform (2023).
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PI-sqrt: novel parallel implementations of in-place sequence rotation on multicore systems (2023).
34 -
Classifying the Vermicompost Production Stages Using Thermal Camera Data (2023).
Research Area
Artificial Intelligence
Computational Biology
Computer Science
Distributed Systems
Machine Learning
Parallel Computing
Parallel Processing
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