Staff Data Search - جامعة الزقازيق
Staff Data Search
Personal Website
Hatem Elsayed Abdelwahied Semary
Faculty commerce - Department Statistics and Insurance
Scientific degrees
BSc In NULL, [2000]
MSc In NULL, [2011]
(Approximation request to delay the distribution of dividends related to using some models in stock)
PhD In NULL, [2015]
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
Academic Jobs
معيد : 26/5/2003
Doctor Assisant : 1/1/2011
Doctor : 27/5/2015
Professor Assisant : 31/8/2021
استاذ مساعد لقب علمى : 31/8/2021
1 -
أثر زيادة تركيزات ملوثات الهواء فى المناطق الحضرية على صحة الأطفال (2015).
2 -
تأثير خصائص المقيمين بالمجتمعات العمرانية الجديدة والظهير الصحراوى للمدن فى مصر (2006).
3 -
The Applications of the Modified Generalized Gamma Distribution in Inventory Control (2011).
4 -
الرضا الوظيفى لأعضاء هيئة التدريس والهيئة المعاونة والعاملين بكلية طب قصر العينى – جامعة القاهرة (2016).
5 -
أساليب التنقيب في البيانات: الطرق المعلمية واللامعلمية Data Mining Techniques: Parametric and Nonparametric Methods (2012).
6 -
Seasonal Pattern for Under-Five Children Mortality in Egypt, International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (2013).
7 -
The Determination of the Reorder Point Using the Marshall–Olkin Extended Weibull Distribution in Inventory Control (2018).
8 -
The Factorial Composition and Weights for Subjective Component in Well-Being Index: Case Study in Giza Governorate, Egypt (2019).
9 -
Statistical Inference for A Simple Step–Stress Model with Type–II Hybrid Censored Data from the Kumaraswamy Weibull Distribution (2020).
10 -
Bayes Inference in Multiple Step–Stress Accelerated Life Tests for the Generalized Exponential Distribution with Type–I Censoring (2020).
11 -
Using Logistic Regression to Measure Unmet Need Levels in Some Rural Upper Egypt Governorates. (2021).
12 -
Estimation for a Simple Step–Stress Model with Type–II Hybrid Censored Data from the Exponentiated Rayleigh Distribution (2020).
13 -
Determinants of Discontinuation and Switching from Family Planning Methods: Applying to the Egyptian Demographic Health Survey Data 2014 (2021).
14 -
Predicting Health Facility Delivery among Women in Egypt Based on Antenatal Care (2021).
Research Area
Applied Statistics
Financial Mathematics
Operations Research
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