بحث بيانات أعضاء هيئة التدريس - جامعة الزقازيق
بحث بيانات أعضاء هيئة التدريس
الموقع الشخصى
محمد محمود عبدالرازق دهيم
الكلية طب وجراحة الفم والأسنان - القسم الاستعاضة الصناعية للأسنان
قائم بعمل رئيس قسم
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
التدرج الوظيفى الأكاديمى
مدرس : 7/9/2020
أستاذ مساعد : 22/3/2022
استاذ مساعد لقب علمى : 22/3/2022
الأبحاث العلمية
1 -
An innovative computer guided ridge splitting flapless technique with simultaneous implant placement: A case report (1439).
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Using Cold plasma as a Surface Treatment with PEEK dental implant: a Case Series” (1440).
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The Effect of Laser Grooved Implant Retained Overdenture on Bone Height Changes (1441).
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The accuracy of digital versus conventional open tray implant impression technique, in partially edentulous patients. (1443).
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Accuracy of digital impression techniques versus conventional techniques for completely edentulous patient : a controlled clinical trial patients. (1443).
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Digital assessment of the accuracy of implant impression techniques in free end saddle partially edentulous patients. A controlled clinical trial (1444).
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Accuracy of digital auricular impression using intraoral scanner versus conventional impression technique for ear rehabilitation: A controlled clinical trial (1443).
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Accuracy of digital auricular impression using intraoral scanner versus conventional impression technique for ear rehabilitation: A controlled clinical trial (1444).
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Digital assessment of the accuracy of implant impression techniques in free end saddle partially edentulous patients. A controlled clinical trial (1444).
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Evaluation of stress and strain on mandible caused using “All‑on‑Four” system from PEEK in hybrid prosthesis: fnite‑element analysis (1444).
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Evaluation of stress and strain on mandible caused by changing the bar material in hybrid prosthesis utilizing ‘‘All-on-Four” technique (1444).
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Finite-Element Analysis of the Effect of Utilizing Various Material Assemblies in “All on Four” on the Stresses on Mandible Bone and Prosthetic Parts (1444).
المجالات البحثية
3d printing and cad cam
computer guided surgery
digital implantology
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