بحث بيانات أعضاء هيئة التدريس - جامعة الزقازيق
بحث بيانات أعضاء هيئة التدريس
الموقع الشخصى
هارون محمد عبدالفتاح بركات
الكلية العلوم - القسم الرياضيات
رئيس قسم
الدرجات العلمية
ماجستير فى الرياضيات, -الاسكندريه [1980]
دكتوراه فى الرياضيات, -جامعه موسكو [1986]
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
التدرج الوظيفى الأكاديمى
معيد : 10/7/1977
مدرس مساعد : 29/7/1980
مدرس : 4/6/1986
أستاذ مساعد : 1/7/1991
أستاذ : 27/10/1998
استاذ متفرغ : 1/8/2014
الأبحاث العلمية
1 -
Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values with Applications to Air Pollution (1433).
2 -
Random translation, dilation and contraction of order statistics (1435).
3 -
Limit theory for bivariate extreme generalized order statistics and dual generalized order statistics (1436).
4 -
Exact prediction intervals for future current records and record range from any continuous distribution (1435).
5 -
Current records and record range with some applications (1435).
6 -
Statistical modeling of extremes under linear and power normalizations with applications to air pollution (1435).
7 -
Prediction intervals of future observations for a sample of random size from any continuous distribution (1435).
8 -
Asymptotic distributions of order statistics and record values arising from the class of beta-generated distributions (1435).
9 -
10 -
Generalized Order Statistics with Random Indices in a Stationary Gaussian Sequence (1437).
11 -
A note on domains of attraction of the limit laws of intermediate order statistics under power (1437).
12 -
Limit theory of bivariate dual generalized order statistics with random index (1438).
13 -
Limit Theorems of Order Statistics and Record Values from the Gamma- and Kumaraswamy-Generated- Distributions (1438).
14 -
Asymptotic behavior of the joint record values, with applications (1438).
15 -
A new flexible extreme value model for modeling the extreme value data, with an application to environmental data (1438).
16 -
The Hill estimators under power normalization (1438).
17 -
Limit distributions of order statistics with random indices in a stationary Gaussian sequence (1438).
18 -
Toward the establishment of a family of distributions that may fit any dataset (1438).
19 -
Asymptotic behavior of record values with random indices (1438).
20 -
The estimations under power normalization for the tail index, with comparison (1439).
21 -
Concomitants of order statistics and record values from Bairamov-Kotz-Becki-FGM bivariate-generalized exponential distribution (1440).
22 -
Concomitants of Order Statistics and Record Values from General Farlie-Gumble-Morgenstern Type Bivariate-Generalized Exponential Distribution (1440).
23 -
Concomitants of Ordered Variables from Huang–Kotz FGM Type Bivariate Generalized Exponential Distribution (1440).
24 -
25 -
Asymptotic behavior of the record values in a stationary Gaussian sequence with applications (1440).
26 -
Concomitants of Order Statistics and Record Values from Generalization of FGM Bivariate-Generalized Exponential Distribution (1441).
27 -
Modeling of Extreme Values via Exponential Normalization Compared with Linear and Power Normalization (1442).
28 -
Limit theorems for univariate and bivariate order statistics with variable ranks (1441).
29 -
Asymptotic behavior of the maximum of multivariate order statistics in a norm sense (1442).
30 -
Concomitants of Generalized Order Statistics from Huang–Kotz Farlie–Gumble–Morgenstern Bivariate Distribution: Some Information Measures (1441).
31 -
Evaluating the Project Completion Time When Non-Identical Beta Distributions Govern the Activity Networks (1442).
32 -
Concomitants of Generalized Order Statistics from Bivariate Cambanis Family of Distributions Under a General Setting (1442).
33 -
New method for prediction of future order statistics (1442).
34 -
Some information measures in concomitants of generalized order statistics under iterated Farlie- Gumbel-Morgenstern bivariate type (1442).
35 -
Predicting future order statistics with random sample size (1442).
36 -
Information Measures for Generalized Order Statistics and Their Concomitants under General Framework from Huang-Kotz FGM Bivariate Distribution (1442).
37 -
Fractional Entropy-Based Test of Uniformity with Power Comparisons (1442).
38 -
Information measures in records and their concomitants arising from Sarmanov family of bivariate distributions (1443).
39 -
Limit Distributions of Ordered Random Variables in Mixture of Two Gaussian Sequences (1444).
40 -
Asymptotic behavior of ordered random variables in mixture of two Gaussian sequences with random index (1444).
41 -
Prediction of future generalized order statistics based on two-parameter exponential distribution for large samples (1443).
42 -
Bootstrapping m-generalized order statistics with variable rank (1443).
43 -
Cumulative Residual Tsallis Entropy-Based Test of Uniformity and Some New Findings (1443).
44 -
Asymptotic Prediction for Future Observations of a Random Sample of Unknown Continuous Distribution (1443).
45 -
Exact prediction intervals for future exponential and Pareto lifetimes based on ordered ranked set sampling of non-random and random size (1443).
46 -
A new least squares method for estimation and prediction based on the cumulative Hazard function (1444).
47 -
Further properties of Tsallis extropy and some of its related measures (1445).
48 -
Scrutiny of a More Flexible Counterpart of Huang–Kotz FGM’s Distributions in the Perspective of Some Information Measures (1444).
49 -
50 -
Fisher Information, Asymptotic Behavior, and Applications for Generalized Order Statistics and Their Concomitants Based on the Sarmanov Family (1445).
51 -
Sarmanov Family of Bivariate Distributions: Statistical Properties—Concomitants of Order Statistics—Information Measures (1443).
52 -
Information Measures and Concomitants of k-Record Values Based on Sarmanov Family of Bivariate Distributions (1444).
53 -
Sarmanov bivariate distribution: dependence structure—Fisher information in order statistics and their concomitants (1444).
المجالات البحثية
generalized order statistics
non-parametric methods
order statistics
theory of distributions
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