بحث بيانات أعضاء هيئة التدريس - جامعة الزقازيق
بحث بيانات أعضاء هيئة التدريس
الموقع الشخصى
السيرة الذاتية
فاطمه محمد أحمد عبدالفتاح
الكلية التمريض - القسم تمريض صحة المجتمع
الدرجات العلمية
بكالوريوس فى تمريض صحه المجتمع, -جامعة الزقازيق [2003]
ماجستير فى تمريض صحه المجتمع, -جامعة الزقازيق [2009]
(تقييم موائمة بيئة العمل و المخاطر الصحية للكمبيوتر لدي طلاب جامعة الزقازيق)
دكتوراه فى تمريض صحه المجتمع, -جامعة الزقازيق [2014]
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
التدرج الوظيفى الأكاديمى
معيد : 24/2/2005
مدرس مساعد : 13/6/2009
مدرس : 26/8/2014
أستاذ مساعد : 28/1/2020
الأبحاث العلمية
1 -
Assessment Of Ergonomics And Health Hazards Related To Computer Use Among Zagazig University Students (1430).
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Lived Experiences of Egyptian Female Juvenile Delinquents: Phenomenological Approach (1436).
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Female Juvenile Delinquency in Egypt from Institutions Key Workers' Perspective: A Qualitative Study (1436).
4 -
Competency-Building of Rural Women Pioneers Focused on Early Detection of Breast Cancer in New Valley Governorate (1437).
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Predictors of Aggressive Behavior among Adolescent Boys in Zagazig City (1437).
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Health Locus of Control and Health Promoting Behaviors among Nursing and Non-Nursing Students in Zagazig University, Egypt (1437).
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Effect of Nursing Intervention on Improving Awareness of High Risk People about Stroke Prevention (1438).
8 -
Workplace Violence and Nurses' General Health in Zagazig City (1439).
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Effect of Elderly Health Problems on Caregivers' Health at Rural Areas in Sharkia Governorate, Egypt (1439).
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Predictors of Willingness to Nurse Elderly People among Nursing Students in Zagazig University, Egypt (1439).
11 -
Spousal Violence Real Experiences of Victimized Women Attending Family Court: A Qualitative Study (1439).
12 -
Perceived Hearing Handicap and Social Isolation Among Elderly with Hearing Impairment Attending Zagazig University Hospitals (1440).
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Occupational Health Hazards among Faculty of Nursing Students in Zagazig University (1439).
14 -
Body Mass Index and Dietary Habits as Predictors of Cognitive Abilities of Preschool Children in Zagazig City, Egypt (1440).
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Perceived Health Risks Of Mobile Phone Usage Among Adolescents In Zagazig City: PatternsAndDependency (1439).
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Stress Appraisal and Perceived Coping Strategies among Zagazig University Retired Employees (1439).
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Effect of Osteoarthritis on Functional Abilities among Elderly Women and Their Compliance with Therapeutic Regimen (1438).
18 -
Nurses' Current performance and Barriers to Use Infection Control Standard Precautions in Family Health Centers in Mansoura City (1438).
19 -
Health-Related Infodemic Perception among Nursing and Non-Nursing Students: A Comparative Study (1445).
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Community Perception of COVID-19 in Sharkia Governorate, Egypt (1443).
21 -
Determinants of Picky Eating Behavior Among Preschoolers in Zagazig City, Egypt (1443).
22 -
Occupational Health Hazards among Faculty of Nursing Students in Zagazig University (1445).
23 -
Effect of Health Education Intervention on Controlling Occupational Health Hazards Among Housekeeping Workers at Zagazig University Hospitals (1445).
24 -
Pulmonary function and complication prevention: A randomized controlled trial on lung expansion modalities of older adults undergoing upper abdominal surgery (1444).
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Grasping knowledge, attitude, and perception towards monkeypox among healthcare workers and medical students: an Egyptian cross sectional study (1445).
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Fire Disaster Preparedness and Life Safety Program for Preparatory School Students Mentored by Community Health Nursing Students (1445).
27 -
Effect of Youth Empowerment Program About Climate Change (1446).
المجالات البحثية
Community Health Nursing
Health Promoting Behaviors
Qualitative Research
Women Health
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