بحث بيانات أعضاء هيئة التدريس - جامعة الزقازيق
بحث بيانات أعضاء هيئة التدريس
الموقع الشخصى
سامية فاروق محمود غنيم
الكلية التمريض - القسم تمريض صحة المجتمع
الدرجات العلمية
بكالوريوس فى تمريض صحه المجتمع, -جامعة الزقازيق [2002]
ماجستير فى تمريض صحه المجتمع, -جامعة الزقازيق [2009]
(التدخل التمريضي لتنميه اللغه للاطفال ضعاف السمع في سن ماقبل المدرسه في مدينه الزقازيق)
دكتوراه فى تمريض صحه المجتمع, -جامعة الزقازيق [2014]
(تاثير الذكاءات المتعددةعلي السلوك العدواني للاطفال ذوي الاعاقة السمعية في محافظة الشرقية)
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
التدرج الوظيفى الأكاديمى
معيد : 6/7/2004
مدرس مساعد : 26/9/2009
مدرس : 26/8/2014
أستاذ مساعد : 30/3/2021
استاذ مساعد لقب علمى : 30/3/2021
الأبحاث العلمية
1 -
Effectiveness of Multiple Intelligences on Aggressive Behavior for Children with Hearing Impairment at Sharkia Governorate (1435).
2 -
Effectiveness of Reproductive Health Program for Adolescent’s Girls with Hearing Impairments at Sharkia Governorate (1436).
3 -
Occupational Health Hazards and Protective Measures among Radiation Health Team (1439).
4 -
Effect of First Aid Health Educational Intervention for Special Education School Teachers at Zagazig City (1437).
5 -
Effect of Nursing Intervention on Improving Intellectual Education Teachers' Performance toward Students with Epilepsy (1440).
6 -
Effect of Educational Sessions about Dengue Fever on Nurse's Knowledge and Attitude at Zagazig Fever Hospital (1440).
7 -
Effectiveness of Educational Sessions on Reproductive Health among Blind and Deaf Students at Zagazig City " (1441).
8 -
Effect of Nursing Intervention Program on Improving Caregivers Performance Regarding Type II Diabetes Mellitus Management In Elderly People (1441).
9 -
Effectiveness of Educational Sessions on Reproductive Health among Blind and Deaf Students at Zagazig City (1441).
10 -
Effect of Nursing Intervention Program on Improving Caregivers Performance Regarding Type II Diabetes Mellitus Management In Elderly People (1441).
11 -
Effect of Nursing Intervention Programs on Improving Caregivers Performance Regarding Type II Diabetes Mellitus Management In Elderly People (1441).
12 -
Effect of Nursing Intervention Program on Improving Caregivers Performance Regarding Type II Diabetes Mellitus Management In Elderly People (1441).
13 -
Effect of Nursing Intervention Programs on Improving Caregivers Performance Regarding Type II Diabetes Mellitus Management In Elderly People (1441).
14 -
Workplace Environment and Utilization of Personal Protective Equipment among welders in Sharkia Governorate. (1444).
15 -
Awareness of Occupational Health Hazards and related problems Among Welders in Sharkia Governorate (1444).
16 -
Knowledge, Attitude, Practice Regarding COVID-19 and Perceived Barriers to Infection Control among Family Health Center and Hospital Nurses in Alexandria (1445).
17 -
Effect of Educational Intervention on Knowledge and Practices of Bakery Workers about First Aid Related to Occupational Hazards (1444).
18 -
Effect of educational intervention on knowledge and practices of bakery : workers about first aid related to occupational hazards (1444).
19 -
Effect of Nursing Intervention program on Mothers' Knowledge, Practice and Attitudes toward Management of their Children with Epilepsy and Intellectual disability (1443).
20 -
Effect of Nutrition Education Intervention about Iodine Deficiency Disorders and Iodized Salt Intake on Mothers performance (1443).
21 -
COVID‑19 Vaccination and Predictors of Vaccine Hesitancy: ACommunity-Based Research in Zagazig City (1443).
22 -
Effect of an educational program for Nurses working in Maternal and Child Health Care Centers about Health Care Waste Management (1443).
23 -
Effect of Educational Intervention about Computer Vision Syndromeon the Severity of Eye Complaints among Computer Users (1443).
24 -
Educational Program regarding Reproductive Health for Handicapped Adolescents in Sharkia Governorate (1443).
25 -
Effect of Educational Interventions Regarding Home Accidents Among ChildrenUnderAge of Six on Mothers in Rural Area (1443).
26 -
Occupational Health Problems, Workplace Environment and Utilization of Personal Protective Equipment among Welders in Sharkia Governorate (1445).
المجالات البحثية
community health nuse
disability and handicapping
first aid
reproductive health
viral hepatitis
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