بحث بيانات أعضاء هيئة التدريس - جامعة الزقازيق
بحث بيانات أعضاء هيئة التدريس
الموقع الشخصى
السيرة الذاتية
امل محمد محمد الدخاخنى
الكلية التمريض - القسم تمريض الأطفال
الدرجات العلمية
بكالوريوس فى تمريض الاطفال, -جامعة الزقازيق [1984]
دكتوراه فى تمريض الاطفال, -جامعة الزقازيق [2000]
(دراسة لبعض العوامل المؤدية إلي الأنواع المختلفة من المواليد ناقصي الوزن في مدينة الزقازيق مع تقييم م)
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
التدرج الوظيفى الأكاديمى
معيد : 15/3/1986
مدرس مساعد : 18/12/1993
مدرس : 26/9/2000
أستاذ مساعد : 26/4/2007
أستاذ : 29/5/2012
الأبحاث العلمية
1 -
Assessment of Nursing Care Provided to Premature Neonates at Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Zagazig University Children Hospital (1432).
2 -
Impact of Nursing Instruction on Neurodevelopmental State of Hypothyroid Neonates (1426).
3 -
Quality of Life of School Age Thalassemic Children at Zagazig City (1432).
4 -
Impact Of Maternal Educational Program On Improvement Of Health Condition Of Asthmatic Children (1424).
5 -
Nursing Intervention Of Developmental Dysplasia Of The Hip In Children (1424).
6 -
The Effect Of Psychological Support On Body-Image And Self-Esteem Of Insulin Dependent Diabetic School-Age Children. (1425).
7 -
Effect Of Nursing Intervention On Low Back Pain Among Children And Adolescents. (1425).
8 -
Impact Of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Program On The Retention Of Pediatric Nurses ' Knowledge And Practice (1425).
9 -
Immediate Nursing Intervention Offered To Preschool Age Children With Poisoning (1425).
10 -
Impact of an educational program on nurses’ performance toward children in Thomas traction (1431).
11 -
Effect of Educational Training Program on Improving Drug Adherence among Adolescents with Epilepsy” (1442).
12 -
Efficacy of Educational Training on Performance of Caregivers of Children with Down syndrome (1442).
13 -
Effect of Therapeutic Massage on Muscle Tone and Motor Functioning of Children with Down syndrome (1443).
14 -
Effect of Guideline Protocol Regarding COVID-19 Preventive Measures on Practice of Hospitalized School Age Children (1443).
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Effect of Guideline Protocol Regarding COVID-19 Preventive Measures on Awareness of Hospitalized School Age Children (1444).
16 -
Assess Nurses' Knowledge and Practice Regarding Care of Comatose Children At Pediatric Intensive Care Units (1440).
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Effect of Skin Care Bundle Program on Improving Nurses′ Practice and Child′s Outcome (1443).
18 -
Effect of Bullying on Self -esteem among Adolescents with Hearing Impairment: A Comparative study (1444).
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Bullying And Its Effect on School Achievement Among Hearing Impaired Adolescents: A Comparative study (1444).
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The Expected Outcomes of Nursing Care Provided to Children on Mechanical Ventilation (1445).
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Nurses' Knowledge Regarding Care Provided to Children on Mechanical Ventilation (1444).
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The effect of parasitic infestation on school achievement among primary school children in Hehia center Egypt (1439).
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Effect of Skin Care Bundle Program on Improving Nurses′ Practice and Child′s Outcome (1443).
24 -
Perspective Of Cancer Children About Cancer Related Fatigue At Zagazig Univeristy Children Hospital وجهة نظر الأطفال المصابين بالسرطان عن الإجهاد المصاحب للسرطان بمستشفى الأطفال بجامعة الزقازيق (1437).
25 -
Effect of Educational Training Program on Improving Pediatric Oncology Nurses, Practice Regarding Non Pharmacological Pain Management تأثير برنامج تعليمي تدريبي علي تحسين ممارسة ممرضات أورام الأطفال تجاة التدخلات غير الدوائية للألم (1440).
26 -
Perspective of Cancer Children about Cancer Related Fatigue at Zagazig University Children Hospitalوجهة نظر الأطفال المصابين بالسرطان عن الإجهاد المصاحب للسرطان بمستشفى الأطفال بجامعة الزقازيق (1445).
27 -
Effect of Educational Training Program on Improving Pediatric Oncology Nurses, Practice Regarding Non Pharmacological Pain Management تأثير برنامج تعليمي تدريبي علي تحسين ممارسة ممرضات أورام الأطفال تجاة التدخلات غير الدوائية للألم (1445).
28 -
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Maternal knowledge about child’s sexual harassment: Preventive Program (1444).
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Maternal knowledge about child’s sexual harassment: Preventive Program (1444).
31 -
Maternal knowledge about child’s sexual harassment: Preventive Program (1444).
32 -
Maternal Attitude and Practices Regarding Prevention of Child’s Sexual Harassment: Interventional Study (1444).
33 -
Maternal Attitude and Practices Regarding Prevention of Child’s Sexual Harassment: Interventional Study (1444).
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Assessment of Maternal Care Provided To Their epileptic Children At Zagazig University Hospitals. (1438).
35 -
Effect of Educational Training Program on Drug Adherence and Self - Management Among Adolescents with Epilepsy تأثير برنامج تعليمى تدريبى على الإلتزام بالعلاج و الرعاية الذاتية لدى المراهقين المصابين بالصرع (1445).
36 -
Effect of Educational Training Program on Improving Drug Adherence among Adolescents with Epilepsy. (1442).
37 -
Effect of Training Program on Improving Maternal Knowledge Regarding their Autistic Children. (1443).
38 -
Effect of Nursing Intervention on Improving Drug Adherence and Nutritional Practices among Nephrotic Children (1444).
39 -
Effect of Nutritional Guidelines on Parents' Knowledge, Practice and Children Outcomes Receiving Chemotherapy at Zagazig University (1443).
40 -
Effect of Training Program of Some Selected First Aid Measures on Knowledge and Practice among Preparatory School Children (1443).
41 -
Evaluate nurse’s practice regarding neonatal resuscitation at Zagazig university hospitals (1444).
42 -
Effect of Distraction Techniques on Minimizing Pain AssociatedWith Burn Dressing Changes among Preschool Children (1439).
43 -
Peer Victimization among Thalassemic Children at Zagazig University Hospital: Comparative Study (1445).
44 -
Impact of Childhood Maltreatment on Self-esteem among Adolescence at Zagazig City (1443).
المجالات البحثية
تمريض الاطفال
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