بحث بيانات أعضاء هيئة التدريس - جامعة الزقازيق
بحث بيانات أعضاء هيئة التدريس
الموقع الشخصى
احمد محمد عبدالعال منصور
الكلية الطب البيطرى - القسم طب الحيوان
طب الحيوان
الدرجات العلمية
بكالوريوس فى طب الحيوان, -جامعة الزقازيق [2001]
ماجستير فى طب الحيوان, -جامعة الزقازيق [2006]
(بعض الدراسات الاكلينيكيه والبيوكيميائيه عن المشاكل التنفسيه والهضميه فى عجول التسمين مع محاولات للعلاج)
دكتوراه فى طب الحيوان, -جامعة الزقازيق [2009]
الحالة الوظيفية الحالية :
قائم بالعمل
التدرج الوظيفى الأكاديمى
معيد : 30/1/2002
مدرس مساعد : 23/4/2006
مدرس : 12/8/2009
أستاذ مساعد : 28/10/2014
أستاذ : 29/10/2019
الأبحاث العلمية
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Abd Elaal, A.M, El-Maghawry,S. Abd El-Razik, W and Eassa, A., (2009): Ultarsonography as diagnostic and prognostic aid for traumatic reticuloperitonitis in cows
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Ultrasonographic identification of pancreolithiasis in a Holstein cow: a case report (1434).
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Clinical and sonographical findings in 18 buffaloes (Babulusbabulis) with perforating foreign bodies (1435).
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Clinical, laboratory and ultrasonographic investigations of left abomasal displacement in Holstein- Friesian cows (1435).
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Prognostic Value of Serum Cardiac Troponin T and Nitric Oxide as Cardiac Biomarkers in Pregnancy Toxemic Goats (1434).
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Clinico-biochemical, ultrasonographic and pathological findings of hepatic abscess in feedlot cattle and buffaloes (1435).
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Ultrasonography as diagnostic and prognostic approach for urolithiasis in Egyptian buffalo's calves (1434).
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Selected studies on foreign body impaction in goats with special reference to ultrasonography (1435).
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Reticular Diaphragmatic Hernia in Egyptian Buffaloes: Clinical, Haemato-Biochemical and Ultrasonographic Findings (1435).
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Colic in a working horse population in Egypt: Prevalence and risk factors (1438).
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Efficacy of Ultrasound in Diagnosis and Management of Internal Abscessations in Egyptian Buffaloes (Bubalus Bubalis) (1438).
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Clinical and Ultrasonographic Observations of Omental Affections as Uncommon Causes of Mechanical Ileus in Cattle (1440).
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Determination of the dynamics of respiratory diseases using thoracic ultrasonographic examination in preweaned dairy calves (1441).
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Hemato-biochemical and molecular markers (IS900) of cattle infected with Johne’s disease in Egypt (1440).
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Modulations of biochemical parameters in Egyptian buffaloes affected by diffuse peritonitis (1440).
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Clinical and ultrasonographic investigations of 30 water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) with hepatomegaly (1440).
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Epidemiological Study of Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli Virulence Genes in Newborn Calves (1437).
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Epidemiological Study of Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli Virulence Genes in Newborn Calves (1437).
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Modulation of biochemical parameters in Egyptian buffaloes affected by diffuse peritonitis (1440).
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Diagnostic performance of ultrasonography in clinical management of dairy cattle identified with left-sided ping sounds (1442).
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Local peritonitis and omental bursitis as sequelae of abomasal ulceration in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis): clinical findings and outcome of treatment (1441).
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Prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes, parasite control practices and anthelmintic resistance patterns in a working horse population in Egypt (1442).
المجالات البحثية
Equine medicine
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